Spanish newt - content in the aquarium

The content of the Spanish newt at home in the aquarium is not a problem, enough aquarium displacement of at least 20 liters, equipped with various shelters, houses in which you can hide - the newt does not like excessive attention. This animal is cold-blooded, so the comfortable temperature for it is 15-20 degrees.

It is possible to keep several individuals of Spanish newts in the same aquarium, but then the volume should be chosen at least 15 liters per pet.

Tritons are peaceful enough, but as long as they are not hungry, otherwise they can show aggression, including in relation to their brethren.

How do the newts multiply?

The Spanish newt is ready for reproduction, reaching a one-year age, in the period from September to May. To stimulate reproduction, the water temperature in the aquarium decreases, most of it changes to a new one. At the time of fertilization, the newts hug their paws and, floating, make sounds that resemble croaking.

After mating, the female lays eggs for several days, the number of eggs can be 1000 pieces. Adult specimens for this time are planted in a spare aquarium, so as not to eat caviar. After 9 days, larvae begin to appear, which on the fifth day feed on plankton.

After a lapse of three months, their length reaches nine centimeters, the temperature necessary for the development of offspring should not be less than 24 degrees.

What do the newts suffer from?

Diseases of Spanish newts living in captivity are quite numerous. It can be pneumonia due to hypothermia, which is a sign of which is breathing through the mouth, wheezing and hissing with exhalation.

Rhinitis and rhinopathy - as a result of malnutrition, lack of vitamin A, hypothermia, as well as injuries.

Also pets can suffer from salmonellosis, mycosis, parasites, abscesses, sepsis and cloacite.