How to freeze sorrel?

Sorrel has long established itself as a useful and original component of many first courses, salads, pie fillings and other dishes. And today the popularity of this product is growing rapidly, which is indefatigably promoted by the arsenal of vitamins and elements contained in green leaves, as well as their piquant taste.

The season of fresh young sorrel is quite short, and you can enjoy it only in May-June. And what to do in the remaining months of the year? Really deny yourself the pleasure to eat your favorite dishes and wait for the next harvest? Of course not! Today, there are many ways to preserve the freshness of the gifts of the earth all year round. And one of these is frost. Many people do not know whether it is possible to freeze fresh sorrel and whether low temperature will affect its taste and useful qualities. Next, we will try to dispel all doubts and tell you how to properly freeze sorrel, in order to keep its freshness and value to the maximum.

How to freeze sorrel for the winter in the freezer?

For freezing choose the freshest and very young leaves of sorrel, rinse them thoroughly several times in cold water, fold for a few minutes in a colander, then remove the stems, spread one layer on a towel or clean cloth cut and leave for a while to dry. The droplets of water should be completely evaporated while the leaves remain fresh. It is necessary not to miss this moment and not to let the sorrel wither. In this case, its taste and useful qualities are significantly peppered. Dry, but still crispy leaves are placed tightly in special bags or containers for freezing and placed in the freezer for storage for the winter.

How to freeze sorrel for the winter for soup?

If the frozen sorrel you intend to use only for preparing the first dishes, you can immediately prepare it properly.

We remove the washed and dried leaves from the stems and cut them in the same manner as the soup. Each housewife knows how much fresh sorrel she uses to make soup or borscht . Therefore, we lay out the parcel piece by piece in the quantities necessary for a one-time preparation of the first dish and send it to the freezer. If desired, you can also add rinsed, dried and chopped fresh dill, parsley, and Bulgarian and hot peppers to the sorrel in this case. In this case, the green is mixed until the components are evenly distributed among themselves.

If necessary, it will be enough only to get a portion of frozen greens from the freezer, put it at the end of cooking the food in a saucepan and boil after re-boiling for two minutes.

How to freeze sorrel for the winter for pies?

To freeze sorrel for pies it is necessary as well as to wash the soup, to sort out, to get rid of stems and after drying on a towel cut. If you use a sweet stuffing with sorrel for baking, then The ground mass can be immediately mixed with the sugar you need.

If you usually add other greens to cakes or, say, grind the contents finely, you can decorate the sorrel in the same way, and then put it in batches or containers and send it to the camera for freezing.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in the process of harvesting fresh sorrel for the winter in the freezer. At all a little bit of free time in the summer and throughout all year at you there will be a ready-made vitamin preparation for soup, a borsch, salads or a batch.