Planting plums in the open ground in spring

Growing plum trees on the plot is always a thankful work, because the harvest will not take long. But to collect a sufficient number of fruits will only come from someone who knows the rules of planting plums in the spring, since it is during this period that the survival rate of seedlings is the highest in the middle band.

Plants in the spring

Ideal time for planting plums in the spring in the open ground on the calendar is not found. This depends on the coveted date from the ambient temperature, which in different years is different. But most often planting saplings of plums spend in early-mid April, when there are no frosts, but the tree has not yet moved into growth.

The absence of kidneys or their small swelling is an important parameter, which should be noted. It is in this state that the planting is optimal. But if the leaves are already ready to bloom - planting work should be postponed until next season or fall.

How to plant a plum?

The main thing you should pay attention to before landing is the right place. The tree should be located on the south side of the buildings, and not be shaded by other large plants. It is very good if the site on which the tree is planned to be planted will be slightly sheltered from the winds, because winter storms can do much more harm than growing in the shade.

It is necessary to dig a sufficiently large pit for rooting a seedling, at least 50 cm deep and approximately 50-70 cm in diameter, depending on the size of the root system. It is very important when planting plums in the spring to make a complex of fertilizers, which for a long time will provide the young tree with all the necessary trace elements. After three years, fertilization should be repeated, but not earlier, since this amount of fertilizer is enough for exactly three years.

The fertilizer layer laid out on the bottom of the pit should be carefully covered with soil so that the roots do not come into contact with the chemical components, otherwise the root system burn is guaranteed. Many experienced gardeners set a landing strip in the pit, that is, a support for the young tree, so that it can not be broken by strong winds.

Even after the installation of such a support, the seedling is lowered into the pit and sprinkled with soil in such a way that no voids remain. It is not recommended to bury the tree below the root neck level. Then shorten the available crown or part of the seedling for better rooting and the initial formation of the tree.

If the roots of the plum before the planting in the spring are a little dry, they are recommended to soak for several days in the water, so that they come in a tone and become saturated with moisture. After planting the tree should be well watered (at least 4 buckets). Such a tree as a plum is very demanding to moisture, and therefore watering should be regular and then the harvest will be excellent.