When to transplant strawberries in spring?

A sweet, fragrant strawberry is a fairy tale, not a berry. There are few people who relate to this garden princess indifferently. Most of us just waiting to wait for the beginning of summer to taste the delicious taste of strawberry fruits by buying them in the nearest market or supermarket. But in the light of modern technologies of growing for the quality of berries you sometimes have to worry: it's no secret that manufacturers use substances harmful to human health in order to get a high yield. Therefore, many who have a dacha or a household plot decide to grow strawberries on their own. There are, of course, many features. To them, for example, applies also the transplant, which is necessary for a strawberry from time to time. We'll tell you if you can transplant strawberries in the spring and how to do it right.

Why do you need a spring strawberry transplantation?

In general, transplanting this plant is the key to obtaining a good harvest. The fact is that over time, the strawberry bushes become obsolete and gradually cease to bear fruit normally, delighting the owners with only a few small berries. In addition, the land is depleted, where strawberries grow from year to year, and this also affects the yield. That is why the plant needs a transplant. It is held either in the early autumn (September, in the extreme case of October) or in the spring. Concerning when it is better to transplant strawberries, then the best option is autumn, because because of the lack of heat and frequent rains, plants adapt better to a new place. However, our life is full of all kinds of surprises, and therefore it is not always possible to carry out the planned. Therefore, transplant transfer after winter is also possible. If to talk about when it is possible to transplant strawberries in the spring, then the beginning of April is considered the most suitable time for this. The late term affects the growth of plants.

Preparing for a strawberry transplant in the spring

For strawberry transplantation, it is important to choose a suitable site. To a greater degree, it is suitable for weakly acidic sandy loamy or loamy soils. Also the site should be well illuminated. Not bad if the predecessors of strawberries are cereals or legumes, onions. And such agrarian cultures as cucumber, eggplant or tomatoes are undesirable predecessors for the plant. The land before planting should be dug up, cleaned of weeds and their roots, and fertilized. The day before planting the site must be well watered.

How to transplant strawberries in spring?

For transplantation, a new growth of strawberry is used - young plants that have emerged as a result of rooting of the antennae. It is best to replant one- and two-year bushes. As for when to replant strawberries in spring, it is recommended to choose a day that is not sunny, cloudy. Excavated bushes immediately before transplanting. Do this carefully so as not to damage root system of young plants. The roots should then be freed from the old earth and slightly shortened roots (about a quarter). Cut and antennae, which will delay the growth of bushes in a new location.

Then, in the selected area, digging holes for the bushes is taken in rows. The distance between the rows should be 50-60 cm, and between the holes - 20-30 cm. Plant strawberries to the depth at which the heart of the bush is above the ground, no lower and no higher. After planting, strawberries should be watered. But this should be done in moderation, excessive watering can lead to the decay of young plants. In addition, it is important that the water is immediately under the bush, and not on its socket.