Lunar Calendar of the Florist

Any florist knows that the growth and flowering of indoor plants largely depend not only on proper care, but also on the phases of the moon. The lunar calendar of the floriculturist is designed to facilitate the task of growing beautiful plants and creating a home blooming garden. The lunar calendar contains tips on how to plant flowers, when plants need more abundant watering, when you can plant, when you cut flowers for sale.

Care for flowers on the calendar is based on the dependence of the activity of cell sap and the metabolic processes of plants from the phases of the moon. Depending on the period of the lunar cycle, planting seeds, transplanting plants, pruning, and even fertilization are carried out.

Waxing Crescent

The phase from the new moon to the full moon. At this time, the activity of the life juices of the plant is directed from the roots upwards, that is, to the ground part of the plant. Accordingly, in the growing moon, it is the stem and leaves of plants that begin their active growth.

According to the sowing calendar of the florist in the growing moon, it is necessary to plant those flowers that are distinguished by the high growth of terrestrial shoots, beautiful buds and leaves.

But the root system in this period is in a quieter state. Injuries, obtained at this time by the roots, do not cause great harm to plants, but because of the reduced viability of the roots, it is not recommended to transplant plants during this period.

General recommendations of the lunar calendar for the flowers on the growing moon phase:

  1. During the growing moon, you can sow plants with a high stem, beautiful flowers, leaves. It is better to refuse bulbous planting.
  2. Pruning will lead to the awakening of sleeping buds and the increased growth of the plant; you can not cut most of the stem, otherwise the plant will wither.
  3. Do not spend in the growing moon budding.
  4. Planting of indoor plants is possible, but the adaptation period will be long and complex.
  5. Because of the increased growth, plants will need more water during this period.

Waning moon

This period from the full moon to the new moon is characterized by intensified processes in the underground part of the plant, that is, in the root system. At this time, the roots grow very actively and become vulnerable to any damage. But the above-ground part, that is, the stem, leaves and flowers, is harmless to the damage and the plant easily undergoes even serious damage to the stem. It is during the waning moon that pruned flowers for long transportation.

According to the sowing calendar of the florist in the phase of the waning moon, it is recommended to use for planting tubers, potatoes, onion, beans.

General recommendations of the lunar calendar for colors in the phase of the waning moon:

  1. Before the new moon is usually scooped flower bulbs for storage.
  2. Planting bulbs in this period will give good persistent shoots and beautiful buds.
  3. Pruning flowers during the waning moon will ensure their long shelf life and freshness.
  4. In the same period it is customary to destroy weeds and pests.
  5. It is not recommended to injure the root system of plants by transplantation.

In the lunar calendar of the roomy flower grower, three days of the full moon and the new moon are separately marked. These periods particularly affect the plants, so the recommendations for care and transplant are different these days.

Full moon

Time to fight weeds, cultivate the land and harvest seeds. But from pruning plants and vaccinations should be abandoned altogether.

New moon

New Moon according to the lunar calendar for indoor flowers and a period of calm in flower growing. Sowing, planting, planting plants at this time is impossible. Even cultivating the land these days is not recommended. However, the day before the new moon and immediately the next day you can remove sick and withered stems.