Why do leaf tips dry at indoor plants?

For some florists the inhabitants of the window sill become real pets, courted with love. However, no matter how careful the care was not, still the house plants can get sick. Diseases are different, and they arise for many reasons. However, we will tell you why the tips of leaves dry at indoor plants. And, of course, we will not forget to suggest how to deal with this.

Why do the edges of leaves dry at indoor plants?

As is often the case, the appearance of drying tips in indoor pets is associated with inaccuracies in care. So, for example, the most common reason for drying leaves from indoor plants is the drying of the soil in the pot. To this, of course, leads, untimely watering, which in the end is fraught with falling leaves.

Another problem of care for flowers can be, on the contrary, the overfishing of an earthy coma. True, the leaves of the plants along the edges first dry out, and then slightly blacken. If you do not take any measures in time, if the soil becomes too moist, rotting of your pet's roots will start, which is dangerous for death.

Another reason why the leaves of plants on the edges dry, can be too dry air in the room. Especially this problem occurs during the heating season in those apartments where the heating is centralized. To a greater extent, indoor plants suffer from air drying in the room, which in a natural environment live in regions with increased air humidity.

These are the most common causes of shrinking leaf tips of domestic plants. In rare cases, this defect is possible, for example, when using tap water. The chlorine dissolved in it can lead to such "burns" that appear not only on the tips, but also on the entire surface of the leaves. A similar effect occurs when overfeeding the inhabitants of window sills with complex fertilizers. However, in some cases, vice versa, the lack of certain trace elements affects the state of the leaves.

Sometimes leaflets of domestic animals dry on tips with sunburn or pest damage. Leaflets first dry, and then can begin to curl.

The leaves of the house plants dry - what should I do?

The solution to the problem arises directly from the reason that led to the fact that your pet's pet began to dry the tips of the leaves.

It is very important to learn how to properly water your plants, which will help to avoid many problems. Watering is carried out as necessary. Most flowers need moisture when the top layer of the soil dries a few centimeters. Do not fill the pot, especially in the winter. In winter they do not need or require weak watering of cacti and succulents .

In addition, use water that is stationary for at least a day. Such measures will eliminate the drying of the leaves on the tips with a lack of watering or using tap water.

Concerning what to do, if the plant leaves dry the tips of the leaves because of the pot filling, first of all we recommend taking the flower out of the pot. The pot must be washed with soap. The plants remove rotten roots, if necessary. At the bottom of the pot laid a sufficient drainage layer (2-3 cm), sand and new soil, which then plant a damaged flower.

If your apartment has dry air, pets will need frequent spraying. But sometimes it does not help either. The situation will save the pallets with gravel or expanded clay, where, as necessary, add water. Then the pots are put on pallets with flowers. Some growers simply acquire moisturizers.

From a sunburn will help only to rearrange the pot in another place or curtain the window with a translucent cloth (gauze). With an excess of fertilizers, it is also recommended that the plant be transplanted into new soil. When pests are affected, treatment of the aerial part of the flower with a soap solution or fungicide is recommended.