Inoculation of fruit trees is the best way

The grafting of the trees is the transfer of the cuttings or the buds of one tree to another, in order to effect their coalescence among themselves. The tree from which you take the stalk is called the graft, and on which you plant it, the stock.

If all the grafting actions are performed correctly, then in time such a rootstock and a graft becomes a single living organism, turning into a separate tree.

The grafting of fruit trees allows you to start growing different varieties on your garden with only a few trees.

Why plant trees?

The grafting of fruit trees allows you to obtain such varieties, which for some reason do not take root in your area. And they can not get accustomed to as a result of the influence of various factors:

The vaccination will help improve your site: by means of inoculation, you can grow a hybrid tree in your garden when, for example, an apple grows on one branch, and a pear grows on the other.

When can I plant trees?

You can vaccinate at a time when there is active sap movement - in spring or summer. The tree should be less than 10 years old, because old trees can long and do not take root well or do not settle down at all. But there are exceptions.

Inoculation of fruit trees: best methods

There are two main groups of vaccines that are used in gardening:

The main method of reproduction is ovulation, which is carried out in the summer.

Inoculation with a handle is done in the spring. This method is suitable in the following cases:

Inoculation with the cuticle has the following varieties:

How to properly plant fruit trees?

Initially, it is necessary to choose the method of grafting-grafting or inoculation with a handle.

The grafting is carried out in two stages:

This type of vaccination is suitable for pears, apricots , plums and cherries.

The grafting is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary first to release the stock from the weeds and to bore it.
  2. We make a shield with a kidney. Cut the healthy kidney located in the middle of the cut.
  3. Next on the bark, choose a smooth place and wipe with a rag.
  4. On the cortex make a T-shaped incision and immediately insert the scute with the kidney.
  5. We wrap the vaccinated site with film for the best engraftment.

Now let's look at the methods of inoculation with a handle.

Copulation is of two types: simple and improved.

Simple copulation is done like this:

  1. Make slanting slices 3 cm long at the end of the branch and cut.
  2. We overlay the slices one on the other.
  3. Holding the shank on the stock, we wrap the black insulating tape with the attachment point.
  4. The upper section is greased with a garden sauce.

Improved copulation is the creation of an additional longitudinal incision. Such cuts are made on the stock and privo. Then they dock with each other.

Inoculation with the cuticle behind the bark is most often used in situations where the privea is thinner than the stock. This method allows the tissues of the tree to heal faster.

  1. It is necessary to cut the shank at an angle of 30 degrees.
  2. We cut the bark into a rootstock.
  3. We insert the cutting in a cut.
  4. Fix the film.
  5. We use garden var to lubricate the place of vaccination.

Inoculation in the cleavage is used to create new varieties of wood.

  1. We cut off the skeletal branches from the stock. At the same time, we leave 10-30 cm from the trunk.
  2. We make in the stems longitudinal clefts having a depth of 5 cm.
  3. In a thick branch, you can insert two cuttings at once.
  4. If the branch is too thin or you decide to plant only one cutting, then the so-called half-cleavage is made-not through.
  5. Crop cuttings in the form of a wedge.
  6. We put into the cleavage closer to the edge of the hemp at a slight angle toward the center of the rootstock itself.
  7. We wrap the place of inoculation with a polyethylene film.

There is a table by which you can determine which varieties of trees are compatible with each other. So, the most unpretentious of the grafts is the pear, from the rootstocks is the hawthorn.

Whatever method of vaccination you choose, you should carefully consider the time of vaccination, the choice of varieties of wood and careful preparation of cuttings. Also do not forget about the tools: the garden knife should be sharp enough. This is a prerequisite for a qualitative vaccination.