Flower fittonia

Homeland decorative plant fittonia is South America. This elegant indoor flower belongs to the acanthus family. The surface of its matt oval leaves is covered with a grid of red or white veins. The flowers of fittonia are small and inconspicuous.

Types of fittonia

As you know, the flower of fittonium is of several kinds:

A fine view has a fittonia mix - plants of several species grown in one pot.

Care for fittonia

As a rule, you need to look after all kinds of fittonia equally. These capricious plants need certain conditions of detention. In particular, the air temperature should not be below + 18 °. Fittonia does not like drafts, from which it can die, and sudden changes in temperature.

It should be watered regularly, abundantly, but avoiding stagnation of water. However, the plant also does not like excessive drying.

Sunlight for the flower of fittonia is very important, however, like many houseplants, it does not tolerate direct sun rays. Therefore, fittonium is better to grow in a place pritennennom from the sun. In winter, you can make light, but not longer than 2-4 hours a day. Proceeding from this, it can be said that fittonia is a shade - loving houseplant.

To form a beautiful futon bush, you need to pinch its tops and flowers, which weaken the plant.

Reproduction of fittonia

Rooting of the apical cuttings is a very easy way to propagate fitton. In spring, it is necessary to cut off a shoot 7-8 cm long, on which there are 3-4 leaves. Such a stalk takes root in water or moist soil for a month and a half. At this time it is necessary to spray the stalk with warm water. Then it can be transplanted into a broad but shallow pot with light and loose soil. You can also multiply fittonium by dividing the bush.