Blood viscosity

The viscosity of blood is the ratio of the number of blood cells and the volume of its liquid part (plasma). This is an incredibly important indicator of the state of the blood. It determines the maximum period of normal operation of the circulatory system, because the higher the viscosity, the faster the heart wears out.

Symptoms of changes in blood viscosity

Blood consists of plasma and cells. If the formed elements (cells) become larger than the plasma, the viscosity of the blood rises, and vice versa. This affects the blood pressure and the rate at which blood flows through the arteries. The coefficient of viscosity of the blood increased? Blood thickens and the transport function is difficult. This leads to disruption of oxidation-reduction processes in the tissues and organs of the whole organism, including the liver, brain and kidneys.

That the quality of blood is reduced, and it can not perform all its functions, can say the following clinical manifestations:

With a decrease in the viscosity of the blood, there are no symptoms.

What causes a change in the viscosity of the blood?

Increased blood viscosity causes a decrease in body temperature, heavy and prolonged work, low fluid intake and alcohol intake. In some cases, this indicator is increased by inhalation of ether vapors, use of diuretics, diaphoretic or antipyretic agents. Also, increased blood viscosity can occur with malnutrition, when a person severely restricts the intake of table salt, eats not more than 2 times a day, eats or consumes a significant amount of protein and starchy foods per meal.

Reduce the viscosity of the blood:

Determination of blood viscosity

Determination of the viscosity of the blood is carried out using a special device - a viscometer. In one of the capillary pipettes of the device, distilled water is collected, and in the second one, the same amount of blood from the finger. After this, a three-way valve is cranked to connect both pipettes to a rubber tube through which air is drawn from them to form a vacuum. Columns of water and blood begin to move forward at a different rate, which depends on the viscosity. The result of such a blood test for viscosity can be seen on the scale of a graduated pipette.

How to increase the viscosity of the blood?

Normally, the blood viscosity index for men is 4.3-5.4, and for women - 3.9-4.9.

If your analysis results are less, then you should:

  1. Observe the normal drinking regime.
  2. Avoid hot tubs.
  3. Shoot down the temperature when it rises.

With an increase in the coefficient of viscosity of the blood, it is necessary:

  1. First of all, balance the food and drink more water, herbal or green tea , vegetable or fruit juices.
  2. To provide your body with building materials for the restoration of blood cells and vessel walls, you should eat regularly (3-4 times a day), include more seafood and vegetables in your diet (preferably not cook them, but eat them raw).
  3. Do not eat bananas, yogurts and leafy vegetables.

Reducing the viscosity of blood is promoted by garlic and onions. Daily eat 1 slice of garlic and half a raw onion. Substances contained in them, interfere with the clumping of blood cells.