Compatibility of blood groups for conception of a child - table

A very important parameter for the conception of a child and normal gestation is the blood group, and in particular the Rh factor. Quite often, when attempting to conceive, the compatibility of blood groups is not observed, as a result of which the pregnancy does not begin or is interrupted at short terms. Let's take a closer look at this issue and try to understand this situation.

What features should be considered when planning a family?

Even before entering into a legal marriage with a young man, a girl who wants to have children should ask beforehand what kind of blood and rhesus he has. This parameter is especially important for those women who have a negative Rh factor.

For the conception of a child, the compatibility of blood groups is assessed by a special table. It describes in detail possible options.

What is dangerous incompatibility of blood groups and Rh factor?

If, before planning a pregnancy, a woman did not pass the test for blood compatibility, then the probability of problems arising during conception is high.

However, quite often, even if pregnancy has occurred and there is a discrepancy between Rh factor, then such a violation as Rh-conflict develops. This is fraught with complications such as anemia, erythroblastosis, fetal edema, edematous syndrome of newborns (the latter 2 lead to fetal death).

Also, quite often there can be a discrepancy not only of the Rh factor, but also of the blood groups. In order to prevent such a phenomenon, the blood group should also be checked for compatibility, which is done using a table before conception.

So, it is accepted to distinguish 4 blood groups, which differ in the presence of specific proteins:

In what cases is the incompatibility of blood possible?

As mentioned above, in order to determine the compatibility of blood for conception of a child, it is enough to use the table. It is with its help that you can determine when there is a possibility of occurrence of Rh-conflict.

So according to the table of compatibility of rhesus blood, at conception the conflict is possible in the following cases:

If the mother has 1 group, Rhesus is negative, then the disorder can occur on:

If a woman has a 2 group with a negative rhesus, then the conflict can be observed in:

With the third group and negative rhesus, a reaction occurs to:

It is noteworthy that blood type 4 never causes conflict, i.e. Absolutely compatible with any blood group.

Thus, in order to avoid negative consequences in the planning of pregnancy and conception, doctors use a table to determine the compatibility of blood, in which all possible variants are indicated, in which there may be a violation.

To avoid it, the expectant mother, even at the time of pregnancy planning, should turn to specialists to determine her blood type and Rh factor if she is not aware of these parameters. This kind of simple research will help to prevent the violations described above in the future, and also to avoid the problems associated with conceiving a child. It is worth noting that knowing these blood parameters of a future father or spouse is also important.