Hartil - analogues

The drug Hartil has antihypertensive and cardioprotective effects. This drug will help with arterial hypertension, various forms of chronic heart failure and other health problems. But, what if you can not find it in pharmacies or do you have contraindications to it? How to replace Hartil? Only its analogs!

Analog Hartil - Vazolong

Vazolong is an ACE inhibitor. This drug is a substitute for Hartil, since after its use the body forms an active metabolite - ramiprilate. In patients with symptoms of chronic heart failure that appeared after myocardial infarction, this substance:

Vazolong is suitable for those who want to find Hartil analogues in the form of tablets. But this remedy should not be used if you have hypersensitivity to any ACE inhibitors, angioedema, severe form of kidney failure, or severe impairment of liver function. After treatment with Vasolong, the patient may experience side effects: diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, abdominal pain.

Analog Hartila - Dilaprel

Hartil contains Ramipril. This substance is active. If you are looking for an analogue of the drug, with the same active substance, then you are ideal Dilaprel. This drug can be used to treat:

This analogue of Hartil is also used with other drugs to reduce the risk of stroke, myocardial and cardiovascular mortality. To take Dilaprel is prohibited with angioedema, stenosis of the renal arteries, hemodialysis, lactose intolerance or its deficiency. With caution appoint this drug in conditions when a decrease in blood pressure is dangerous: atherosclerotic lesions of the cerebral and coronary arteries.

Analog Hartila - Ramigamma

To similar Hartilu preparations concerns and Ramigamma. It is also an ACE inhibitor that helps improve quality and increase the life span of even "difficult" patients with a diagnosis of hypertension. It can be used even if the disease is complicated by heart failure , left ventricular hypertrophy or myocardial infarction. The drug Ramigamma is indicated for patients with hypertension, whose concomitant disease is diabetes mellitus, as well as those at high risk of death after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or aorto-coronary shunting.

When taking this analogue of Hartil, strict medical control is always necessary, since he has many side effects effects. After taking the very first dose, or during its increase within 8 hours, it is necessary to repeatedly measure BP. This will help to avoid the development of an uncontrolled hypotensive reaction.

Especially careful monitoring is required for patients with renal vessels, for example, with clinically insignificant stenosis. It is always necessary to measure the pressure and those who have impaired renal function, and people who have undergone kidney transplantation. If the pressure falls very quickly, you need to urgently lay the patient and lift his legs. In severe cases, electrolyte solutions may be required.