Low blood pressure - symptoms

The general state of health of a person is determined by many factors, one of which is arterial pressure. Consider what symptoms are present in the case of low blood pressure and how this can occur.

Causes and symptoms of low blood pressure

Various factors can lead to pathology. Among them, poor elasticity of blood vessels and a violation of the functionality of the heart muscle. Pressure can often fall in meteozavisimyh people or prone to depressive moods. Such a symptom as hypotension is manifested as a result of poor kidney function, excessive mental or physical activity.

But in any case, the symptoms of low blood pressure are a sign of malfunctions in the body. In this case, the pathology can proceed acutely or chronically. The acute form is dangerous due to the development of oxygen starvation, because blood can not provide the tissues with necessary substances because of the low speed of movement. Chronic hypotension often proceeds almost asymptomatically, a person does not feel any discomfort.

What symptoms are observed under reduced pressure?

  1. As a rule, a person feels a general malaise. In this case, lethargy, drowsiness, apathy are noted. Reduced concentration of attention, there may be bouts of irritation.
  2. With a chronic and acute form of hands and feet, even in hot weather, they remain cold, so the insufficient blood circulation is affected.
  3. Depending on the pathology that caused hypotension, there may be an increase or slowing of the pulse. With a rapid pulse, a person complains of a strong heartbeat.
  4. Many people, prone to lowering blood pressure, have increased sweating.
  5. One of the classic symptoms of hypotension is cephalalgia . In this case, most often present dull, pressing pain without a clear localization. But sometimes painful sensations can have a pulsating and paroxysmal character.
  6. Another pronounced symptom of low blood pressure is nausea. Attacks of nausea and vomiting are provoked in this case by a deficiency of blood circulation in the brain. In this case, it is not necessary for a person to experience nausea, vomiting can begin spontaneously.

If hypotension has a physiological character and is a habitual condition for a person, there is practically no symptomatology. With pathological hypotension, dizziness and fainting are possible. If you do not find out the reason and do not start treatment in the near future, progressing smptomatics can lead to a coma.

The risk of a decrease in systolic and diastolic pressure

Symptoms of a decreased cardiac, systolic, and diastolic pressure are almost identical. However, it is worth considering that the upper pressure is created by contraction of the heart muscle. Diastolic pressure is manifested as a result of blood flow through the vascular network. Therefore, the symptoms of lowered upper or lower pressure are often accompanied by signs of primary pathology.

The fall of the upper pressure is more often noted with bradycardia , cardiac dysfunction, excessive physical exertion and diabetes. Often a slight drop in upper pressure occurs during pregnancy. However, this is not considered a pathological sign, since it is caused by the growth of the circulatory system. Lower pressure often falls with kidney and vascular disease. More dangerous is the drop in systolic pressure, directly related to cardiac activity.

In any case, systematic diagnosis of hypotension requires thorough diagnosis.