Nail fungus on hands - treatment

After the transferred infections and with a weakened organism, you can get a fungal disease with a high probability.

Development of the nail fungus on the hands

Therefore, the treatment of the fungus on the hands should be not only local, but also general, including preventive measures to strengthen the body.

Before treatment it is necessary to determine how much the disease hit the nails:

  1. At the first stage, only the edge of the nail is damaged - it turns yellow and becomes brittle.
  2. In the second stage, the fungus affects the entire nail plate, and yellowing is observed from the base to the edge of the nail.
  3. At the third stage, the nail plate thickens and becomes loose, which is why it begins to break down. The nail can be covered with brown, yellow or greenish spots.

Causes of fungus and risk group

To choose an effective scheme of treatment of nail fungus, you need to understand what became the main cause of fungal spread. First of all, doctors note that the fungus occurs in people with weak immunity. This infection can also be on the rails in public transport, and in the pool, and in the sauna, and in the gym, - wherever there is a large crowd of people. However, those who have strong immunity, are able to resist the ubiquitous fungus, and therefore do not fall ill.

At risk are the elderly, as well as those who have violations of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Drugstores for the treatment of nail fungus

Before using pharmacy drugs or traditional medicine to treat fungus, you need to consult a doctor. The higher the stage of infection, the more difficult it is to treat, and therefore the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on when it was started. The doctor will help to adequately assess the situation and prescribe a course of treatment.

If earlier the nail fungus was treated in a radical way - by removing the nail plate, today the forecasts are more optimistic, since there are numerous drugs for the treatment of nail fungus.

Often doctors prescribe special prescriptions for ointments, which include:

Among the ready-made drugs for the treatment of the initial stage of the fungus is distinguished by its effectiveness Candid-B . This ointment belongs to the category of cheap preparations, and its main active ingredient is clotrimazole. It penetrates into the cell of the fungus and destroys it from the inside.

Exoderil - another remedy for the fungus on the nails in the form of a cream. Its active substance is naphthyfine, which also destroys the walls of the fungal cell.

Nizoral is a sufficiently well-developed medical brand, and therefore it is often used in practice. Its main active ingredient is ketoconazole, which quickly removes itching and other symptomatic manifestations of the fungus.

Together with local treatment, it is worth taking in immunostimulating medications, which the doctor selects individually.

Folk methods of treatment of nail fungus

Nowadays various popular recipes for the treatment of nail fungus are quite common. Their effectiveness is questionable in the event that the treatment does not use chemical drugs. The thing is. That you can use folk medicine to get rid of the fungus only as an additional means, because the fungus belongs to the infection, which is difficult to get rid of. Not all natural components can create for the fungus an environment in which it will die.

One of the popular means - treatment of the fungus of nails with a tea fungus will not cause harm to health, and perhaps, help the body cope with the disease.

For this you need:

  1. Cut the top layer of the tea mushroom.
  2. Apply to the affected nail for the whole night in the form of a compress.
  3. In the morning, the compress needs to be removed and the nail and the skin around it cleaned with greenery.

This procedure should be repeated every other day until the disease recedes.