Wound healing ointments - fast effect

Contusions, wounds and other skin lesions of varying severity must be treated with special ointments. This is the only way to prevent infections from entering the body and speed up the recovery process. Use drugs that have a rapid antimicrobial and antibacterial property. But which ointment is wound-healing?

The wound healing cream "ARGOSULFAN®"

The cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps to speed up the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of antibacterial component of silver sulfatiazole and silver ions provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only to wounds located on open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The agent possesses not only wound healing, but also antimicrobial action, and besides, promotes healing of wounds without a rough scar 1

It is necessary to read the instructions or consult an expert.

Salcomeril Wound Dressing Ointment

Solcoseryl - wound healing ointment, which quickly helps to restore the skin after abrasions, wounds, burns (up to grade III) and bruises. The main active component of this drug is the blood extract of young calves deproteinized hemoderivat. Thanks to him this ointment:

Solcoseryl covers the injured area with a thin film that prevents the penetration of viruses and microbes. In addition, such a tool avoids the formation of scars and gross scars on the wound site. You can use Solcoseryl even during pregnancy. The ointment is applied to clean wounds twice a day, and then a sterile dressing is applied to the injury site.

Wound healing ointment Levomekol

If you are looking for effective wound-healing ointments, pay attention to the drug Levomekol . This tool not only contributes to the fastest tightening of damaged epidermis, but also is an antibiotic. Levomekol will help with:

Levomekol is also used in the post-operative treatment of a patient. This ointment promotes rapid splicing of the edges of wounds and stitches (even those that are festering) at their entire depth. Apply this preparation to a clean and dry wound with a thin layer 1-3 times a day.

Wound healing ointment D-Panthenol

Those who want to have wound healing ointments in a home pharmacy, characterized by a quick effect, should buy D-Panthenol. This agent almost immediately after application stimulates skin regeneration, increases the strength of collagen fibers and normalizes the cellular metabolism. Also this ointment also has a weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Using the healing wax D-Panthenol, you quickly restore the integrity of the skin, if it is broken due to mechanical, chemical or temperature effects. This drug will help to eliminate and inflammatory processes on the skin.

Wound healing ointment Eplan

Eplan is a powerful anti-infectious agent. This ointment reduces the healing time for cuts and abrasions by almost 2 times. It has a distinct analgesic effect, and if it is applied with bruises, swelling will fall off literally in an hour.

Eplan can be used:

This ointment can not be applied to bleeding wounds, since it can reduce coagulability of the blood. But once the bleeding is stopped, you can use it. Use Eplan can even be pregnant. On a clean wounded site, the drug is applied twice a day.

Wound healing ointment Baneotsion

If you need wound-healing ointments for face and body, characterized by a rapid bactericidal effect, it is best to pay attention to the means containing antibiotics. For example, an effective remedy for rapid wound healing is the Baneotsion, which contains Neomycin and Bacitracin-Zinc. This ointment protects the skin from infection and speeds up the process of repairing the damaged area. Use Baneotsion not only for the treatment of wounds, cuts and abrasions, but also for the treatment of postoperative sutures.

1 EI Tretyakova. Complex treatment of long-term non-healing wounds of different etiologies. Clinical dermatology and venereology. - 2013.- №3