Angelina Jolie spoke out against sexual violence

The problem of sexual violence overwhelmed the entire media space and made every famous person express his point of view about what was happening. The raised discourse has long crossed the film industry and is now marching along the corridors of the United Nations in Vancouver.

Angelina Jolie at the UN conference

The other day, a conference was held at which Angelina Jolie spoke and urged all women not to fear condemnation and boldly talk about the facts of harassment and violence towards them:

"Violence is criminal! I have to admit that I watched its manifestation everywhere, it does not depend on your education, success in business, political affiliations, work in law enforcement agencies. Violence has penetrated all areas of our lives and many women are silent about this, fearing ridicule and humiliation. We are compelled to hear the excuses of people who can not and do not want to learn how to manage their needs, they are looking for reasons in diseases and increased libido in a panic. "
Jolie thanked for the opportunity to speak
Jolie made a speech

Angelina Jolie noted that the achievement of gender equality is impossible as long as sexual violence is perceived as a norm:

"A man who allows himself to be higher than a woman and insult her, causes only resentment. He is offensive and insignificant. The worst thing about sexual violence is that it does not have a price, unlike a bullet, but the consequences in both cases are catastrophic. "
Canadian Defense Minister Kharjit Singh Sajan and Angelina Jolie
Conversation with Khardzhit Singh Sajan
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Note that Angelina Jolie at the beginning of her career was also subjected to harassment by Hollywood filmmakers. One of the most notorious cases concerned the infamous Harvey Weinstein, who at the end of the 90s, during the shooting of the movie "The Transmutations of Love," insisted on a private conversation in the hotel room.

After a conversation in high tones, Jolie stopped co-operation and fellowship with the scandalous producer:

"I had an unpleasant experience of communicating and working with this person at the beginning of my acting career. In the end, I severely cut off our cooperation and refused to deal with him. Such behavior is unacceptable in relation to a woman and my colleagues, I also did not recommend working with him. "