How to cope with the excitement?

Bad is the actor, who does not worry about the performance. This proverb is relevant not only for representatives of public professions, but also for people of all ages, types of personalities and characters. It does not matter whether you are a strong person or have a beautiful charisma, in life there are such moments from which insurance is not provided. And if you already were in such a situation, this does not mean that fear will not seize you, repeat it again. That's why it's important to know how to get rid of excitement in time and get yourself together.

How to avoid excitement?

In most cases, the feeling of excitement is a consequence of fear. Stiffness and uncertainty prevent a person from fully revealing his capabilities and potential. The consequence, as a rule, is dissatisfaction with life, accusation of others in their own failures and even depression. How often was the fear of public speaking, stuttering at the exam or stiffness during the interview played a fatal role and the person was deprived of the opportunity to prove his true knowledge, skills and talents? Such examples are found at every step. That is why knowing what you need to do when worrying can not only make a person more confident, but also have a huge impact on how life will develop.

All our fears are quite easily eliminated with the help of special techniques and exercises. Let's consider in more detail how to remove the excitement in different situations:

1. How to overcome the excitement before the performance? This issue is relevant not only for public figures, but also for those who are for the first time meeting with the audience:

2. How to remove excitement before the exam, negotiations or interview? All three situations are similar, therefore, in addition to the above techniques, you can try and improve self-confidence in answering various difficult questions:

Whichever situation turns out, you will already know what to do in case of strong excitement. In order to protect yourself even more, do not be lazy to train at home: grimacing in front of a mirror, presenting yourself in front of the audience, training your key phrases that you will say at the interview. Such a dress rehearsal will teach you to master your body, gestures and facial expressions. In a real situation, your body will remember how it needs to behave and give you confidence, which means that the question of how to overcome the excitement will not be so relevant for you.