Mentality - what is it and how is it formed?

Mentality helps to understand why in different situations different nations behave differently. His nature is conservative, it can not be changed quickly, just like the nature of thoughts, feelings, behavior of many people. A world view influences education, but education helps to recreate, transform and adjust the mentality.

Mentality - what is it?

Mentality is a way of thinking, a mindset . It manifests itself in the form of emotional, cultural, intellectual features of the human worldview characteristic of a particular ethnic group. This concept has spread in Russian colloquial speech since the middle of the twentieth century. With the help of the worldview, a person can understand the mentality, assessment, view, norm of behavior, values, morals of different groups of people.

Mentality in Sociology

The worldview helps to study public consciousness and has the following heuristic possibilities:

If we proceed from what determines mentality in sociology, then in this case it is a system of socio-psychological features of a person or community. The genotype is based on this world view, the creation of which was conditioned by the natural and social environment, the spiritual creativity of the subject. World outlook predetermines what character a person will be endowed with, what kind of speech, behavior, activity will he have. He recreates the unity, the continuity of the social community.

There are three components of mentality:

  1. Uniqueness. These feelings, emotions, ideas, stereotypes that are present in one subject, are absent in others.
  2. A peculiar combination of certain characteristics, which are characteristic only of a certain collective subject. So, for example, in the professional sphere, it is intellectual honesty, courage, wide horizons, high IQ .
  3. The quantitative relationship of such signs. For example, according to the IQ indicator, people can be divided into categories: lawyers, bankers - 120%, aviation mechanics, electricians, chemists - 109%, painters, drivers - 98%.

Mentality in Culturology

World perception is an integral part of a certain culture, a certain cultural space, its formation is influenced by certain social, cultural conditions in the process of long historical development. For many centuries, the mindset was formed, supported and mutated under the influence of:

Each nation has its own cultural space, its own forms of culture, which are filled by it in the process of its activity. The people themselves are the creator of their cultural space, this is the deep meaning of culture. Mentality and culture are concepts that not only characterize the common, which unites individual bearers of one culture, but also distinguishes what distinguishes this culture from others.

Mentality - Psychology

World perception in psychology is a characteristic specificity of the psychic life of a certain society. For its disclosure, a system of views, assessments, and mind-set is used, although such a worldview can not completely coincide with thought, action, the word of a person. Studying what a person's mentality is, psychologists managed to distinguish four types:

  1. Barbaric - high survival, endurance, active sexual behavior, fearlessness at the risk of death, this is a kind of mentality of the winner.
  2. Aristocratic - independence, arrogance, aristocracy, the desire for external shine, high morality.
  3. Intelsky - neglect to comfort, comfort, high efficiency, a strong fear of death, pain.
  4. Bourgeois - frugality, economy, workaholism, spiritual stinginess, insincerity.

At the same time, how public relations developed, the typology of the individual world perception developed and changed: it was possible to change the mentality, supplement it with new features, and deprive non-viable parties. Today, such types are extremely rare in pure form. They rather contribute to the creation of interesting combinations of traits in the characters of people, help to color the mental consciousness of nations.

Mentality - Philosophy

Mentality is a set of socio-psychological characteristics of a person, it varies in different groups of people or social groups. Part of such a worldview is a sense of belonging. Great thinkers, philosophers believed that the patriotism, the feeling of the homeland is based on the people's spirit. The conscious belonging of a person to a certain ethnos, the nation, awakens his spirituality.

Mentality in philosophy reflects a certain way of thinking, which can be of a group nature. The worldview consists of traditions, customs, rights, institutions, laws. All this is manifested with the help of the main tool, which is the language. World perception in philosophy is a certain mental equipment, a mental tool with the help of which representatives of a particular society can perceive their own environment in their own way.

Types of mentality

The human worldview is a unique fusion of mental qualities, their characteristics, the way they manifest themselves. In order to find out what kind of mentality it is, you need to look closely at the following types:

  1. Proceeding from the sphere of life of the society, the worldview is divided into economic, social, political, cultural, spiritual and moral.
  2. Depending on the types of activity, the world view can be productive, scientific, technical, administrative, literary.
  3. Based on the image, thinking, the worldview can be religious and national, urban, rural, civil, military.

Mentality and mentality - differences

Mentality is considered the core, the core of the culture of the people. Mentality is a way of seeing the world in which thought is associated with emotions. Unlike mentality, the perception of the world is of universal significance, and mentality affects all social strata, historical times. Mentality is a prerequisite for the emergence, existence of a worldview.

What is the difference between mentality and mentality? World perception is a culture that belongs to a particular social group, it is expressed through a way of thinking, reflected in the unconscious emotional-sensory experience in the form of customs, traditions, religion, philosophy and language. Mentality is a broader concept that describes the way of thinking as such. A mentality is a more specific definition, which in general describes the specifics of phenomena.

Mentality and worldview

The mentality is based on the world view. It is expressed through concepts, ideas. World outlook in general describes a model of the human world, it helps a person learn to be aware of himself in this world. Without this quality, a person will not be able to comprehend his existence, find his goal, in this case a low mentality is manifested. Man can be easily manipulated and manipulated.

Depending on the mode of perception of the world, the following types of outlook are singled out:

How is the mentality formed?

The formation of the mentality takes place over the course of twelve years. It begins at the age of three and ends by the age of sixteen, when a person develops his own system of values, goals, means to achieve them. The development of the sides of a person's worldview directly depends on:

How to change mentality?

Everyone has the right to choose his own way of life . If you decide to change your worldview, be prepared for the fact that this will require a lot of time and effort. In order to change the mentality of a person, it is necessary:

Books about mentality

Many authors of Russian literature have managed to reflect the features of the mentality of the Russian people in famous works, each of which describes ignorance of measure, breadth and breadth, statement and unshakable faith, passivity, cruelty and sacrifice of love, worship of the beautiful, holiness, duality and contradiction.

  1. N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".
  2. ON. Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia".
  3. Lyric F.I. Tyutchev.
  4. Roman F.M. Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov.