How to teach a child to turn over from the stomach to the back?

Each mother wants her child to learn new skills as quickly as possible. One of the earliest skills that gets a crumb is the skill of turning from the abdomen to the back and back.

New abilities enable the child to develop further, and also to study the surrounding world from a different angle. In addition, the ability to roll over allows the karapuza to reach the object of interest.

There are certain standards on which pediatricians rely when assessing the development of the baby. So, a six-month-old child should turn over in both directions through the left and right shoulder. Meanwhile, all children develop differently, and not always all skills are acquired in a timely manner.

The reasons why a baby can not turn over when, it would seem, already have all the necessary prerequisites, can be quite a lot. Perhaps the crumb is observed hypotonic or hypertonic muscles, so that it can not manage them well enough. Some babies were born prematurely, which means they can acquire some skills a little later than other children. In addition, sometimes parents simply do not participate in the motor activity of the baby, not giving him the opportunity to develop.

To the child in time to master all the necessary skills, you need to participate in his activities, engage in gymnastic exercises that strengthen the muscles, and show how to do this or that action. In this article, we will tell you how to quickly and correctly teach a child to turn over from the abdomen to the back, and when you can begin to study.

Teaching the baby coups from the abdomen to the back should take place in 3 stages - first the crumb learns to turn from back to back, then - to the stomach , and only then proceed to the coup from belly to the back. Usually, with sufficient physical activity, the child learns the first stage in 4 months, the second - at 5, and the last, the most difficult, about 6 months.

How to teach a child to turn from back to back?

To begin the exercises of the first stage, the crumb should reach 3-4 months and begin to be actively interested in toys. The most important thing when teaching - laying the child on a hard surface. The bed or sofa in this case will not work. Do not put a mattress under the kid, use a small blanket or blanket. Having chosen a suitable place, put your favorite toy of your child to the left or to the right of it. Trying to reach the object of interest, the baby soon enough will turn on its side. Exercises should be repeated daily.

How to teach a child to turn over from the back to the stomach?

To help the baby learn the second stage, it is also necessary to stimulate coups with the help of a favorite toy. It is useful to deal with it with massage, hardening and swimming. In addition, you can use the following gymnastic exercises:

  1. Put the baby on his back, bend his left leg and slowly wind it over the right, gently turning the baby's pelvis to the right side, making sure that the crumb rolled over. Similarly, to the left.
  2. Throw one leg of the baby on the other and press his knee against the surface of the table. This situation is inconvenient for the child, and he will seek to roll over to change it.

How to teach a baby to turn over from the stomach to the back?

You can teach the baby to turn over from the abdomen to the back, as soon as the baby learns the first two stages. To do this, just put the crumb on the belly, and place your favorite toy at a distance of about 50 cm. First, slowly move the bright object in different directions to attract the attention of the child, and then place it on the side of the baby at a short distance. Most likely, the baby will be pulled to the toy and will turn over. If not, help him a little.