Umbilical hernia in infants

Umbilical hernia is a pathological condition in which the anatomical formations of the abdominal cavity through the umbilical fibrous ring extend beyond the anterior abdominal wall into the subcutaneous space. It is important as soon as possible to recognize the symptoms of umbilical hernia in infants and begin timely treatment.

Causes of umbilical hernia in infants

Umbilical hernia in infants can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital hernia can be genetically determined. This umbilical hernia is the result of the inheritance of a combination of genes, which leads to the formation of a condition when the umbilical ring does not grow completely.

Another option, when the heredity of the child is normal, but the unfavorable factors affecting the fetus, contribute to underdevelopment of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and connective tissue of the umbilical ring. These can be viral infections of the mother, early and late toxicosis, leading to hypoxia of the fetus .

Acquired hernia is formed as a result of rickets, dystrophy, severe viral and bacterial infections. With the disease with whooping cough, the child develops a constant strongest cough, which does not stop either day or night. During coughing attacks, intra-abdominal pressure is greatly increased, which promotes stretching of the umbilical ring and the formation of a hernia.

Symptoms of a hernia in infants

The main symptom is the appearance of protrusion in the navel. After crying, coughing increases, in a calm state it decreases or disappears completely.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in infants

Hernias of small sizes usually self-cure, provided the child's physical development is correct. Therefore, parents are encouraged to give the child a massage, gymnastics. It is better, if these procedures are initially supervised by the physician. If the baby is diagnosed with an umbilical hernia of large size, then he should be under the supervision of a surgeon, who will determine the tactics of further treatment.