Feeding for breastfeeding

Even if the baby is naturally fed and fed with mother's milk from birth, at some point in time he needs other products containing various vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Although the need to introduce complementary food arises absolutely for all young parents, many of them do not know how to do it right. Including, some mothers and dads have a question when it is necessary to introduce complementary feeding during breastfeeding, and in what order it is better to add new products to the baby's diet.

The order of introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding

The overwhelming majority of doctors are convinced that the intestinal tract of the newborn baby is ready to receive any other food, except for breast milk, at the age of 6 months. The World Health Organization names exactly the same terms of introduction of the child's supplementary feeding on HBV.

Nevertheless, in some cases, for example, if the weight of the baby stably does not reach normal values, the doctor may advise to expand the ration of the crumb slightly earlier. If there is a tendency to allergies with changing the daily menu, it is often recommended to wait until 7 or 8 months.

Depending on how many months the new products are introduced into the baby's diet, the order of their addition can be as follows:

  1. Children who do not gain weight in breastfeeding often get the first lure from 4.5-5 months. In most cases, young mothers introduce their children to gluten-free porridges. If the baby has a frequent loose stool, rice is better than others, and if the hemoglobin content in the blood is low, the doctor may advise starting with buckwheat, and in other cases - with corn. One way or another, it is necessary to give preference to porridges of a uniform consistency, mainly industrial production. In the future, the lure is introduced according to the following scheme:
  2. With the full nutrition of the nursing mother and the normal weight of the child, the lure for him during breastfeeding is introduced at 6 months. At the same time, if a child suffers from excessive body weight, and constipation predominates in his chair, his diet should be expanded with a one-component vegetable puree from such species as broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots or zucchini. Such a dish can be prepared by yourself with a steamer, and then chopped with a blender, or purchased as a baby food. With insufficient body weight, complementary foods also begin with cereals that do not contain gluten in their composition. Correctly organize the lure when breastfeeding you will help the following table of complementary foods:
  3. Finally, if you are addicted to allergies, in most cases, feeding your baby with breastfeeding is introduced at 7 months. It is at this time that the baby is very carefully beginning to introduce new products, carefully noting his reaction and, if necessary, adjusting the diet.
  4. Meat lures for breastfeeding begin to enter, usually at 8 months. Meanwhile, this term can also vary slightly. Usually doctors recommend to observe the interval of 2 months between the time of the introduction of the first complementary food and the addition of meat, so the youngsters, whose diet was extended in 4.5-5 months, can get acquainted with this product a little earlier.
  5. In turn, fish lure during breastfeeding in most cases begin to enter in 9 months. Acquaintance with this product may threaten the baby with a serious allergic reaction, so you need to approach it with extreme caution.