The child does not turn over in 6 months

According to the norms of physical development, children should begin to turn over from the back to the belly at the age of 5 months. Although most begin to do this between 3 and 4 months. But how to be a mom, if the situation is the opposite, and the kid has long been time to master this skill, but he does not want to do this?

Why does the child not turn over in 6 months?

Since all the children have their own individual development rates, it is impossible to say unambiguously about the lag if the new movements are not being mastered in time. If the child does not want to turn over on the stomach at 6 months, there are two reasons for this, and adults can influence them.

The first thing that should be established is the presence of serious neurological diseases in the child. Such a diagnosis can be made by a neurologist, and the baby in this case is prescribed a certain therapy - medications, massages, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy procedures.

But if a 6-month-old child does not turn over, but already sits down or tries to crawl, then it is to say that the muscles responsible for the coup are somehow not coordinated, or they are weak.

In order for a child to finally get a coup, you should enroll in a course of health-enhancing massage, which is carried out at a children's polyclinic in each city. This is a very useful procedure, which quickly gives the necessary tone and strength to the muscular corset, and allows the children to become agile and mobile.

Parents after the course of massage notice how the movement, which were not subject to their child, became natural, and the children after that even outstrip their peers - begin to creep, sit and walk before.

At home, my mother should give time to the gymnastics of the baby several times a day to help him master the inaccessible movement. It should be shown to the child how to roll on a barrel, and then, throwing one leg, make a coup.

But still, despite all the contrivances of parents, about 2% of children do not start turning over themselves, but immediately go on to crawl, sit and stand.