Care of peonies in autumn

In general, peonies are considered rather unpretentious plants. They only need systematic irrigation, weeding, loosening the soil and feeding, as a result of which you will enjoy the beautiful rich flowering in the summer. It is believed that the main care is carried out during the period of active growth and flowering of flowers. However, peonies are perennials, so with the advent of autumn they will need special care, which is a guarantee that next summer pink, yellow, bronze or burgundy buds will blossom on your flower bed. Therefore, we will tell you about what to do with peonies in the autumn, how to prepare them for the winter cold.

Autumn care for the pion: feeding

Since peonies respond well to the application of fertilizers, it is necessary to make peanut feeding in the fall. It is recommended to do this in September or early October. The fact that these garden pets have a root system has a number of features of growth and structure. In some areas, the roots of the pions thicken, it is there that accumulate the necessary nutrients, which are delivered by long roots deep penetrating into the soil. Peony roots continue to grow in the first half of autumn, which is why additional fertilizing is so necessary for plants.

If we talk about what to feed the peonies in autumn, it is usually recommended to use potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, which will promote the development of new kidneys. Their stimulation means beautiful flowering next year. You can carry out top dressing in a dry and liquid form. In the first case, on the soil near each bush, you need to carefully sprinkle 15-20 g of phosphorus and 10-15 g of potassium. Do not forget to water the peony beforehand. Make sure that the fertilizer does not fall on the neck of the peony. To prepare the solution in a bucket of water, dissolve 1 tablet of fertilizer and pour the bush with this solution.

Caring for peonies in autumn: pruning and preparation for winter

In the main, autumn care for peonies presupposes pruning of shoots. Before the winter it is mandatory. If you leave pruning in the spring, it will be difficult for you: it is difficult to cut off the shoots with a pruner. It, as a rule, is necessary to be carried out in the late autumn, in the end of October - in the beginning of November. The fact is that if you do this before, the plants will become weaker, and this in turn will affect its flowering next year. This trimming of peonies in autumn is recommended to be performed after the appearance of the first frost, when peony shoots will lie on the ground.

When pruning your favorite flowers, shoots should be cut at ground level, so that hemp does not stay. If you intend to carry out autumn pruning of peonies in dry weather, do not forget to water abundantly the root region of the soil. All trimmed shoots and leaves should be removed from the lawn and burned, as they can become a source of a variety of diseases . Many gardeners are advised, after pruning, to introduce into the soil a mixture of 200 g of bone meal and 300 g of wood ash.

How to care for peonies in the fall: preparing for winter

In the autumn care of these garden flowers it is important to prepare for severe frosts. It is recommended for those regions where severe winters are expected. First check the depth on which lie in the kidney of the kidney. It should be no higher than 3-6 cm if you need to pour a small layer of soil on top. Each plant should be covered with any of the available materials: sawdust, fallen leaves of trees, peat or compost . But, in no case do not use leaves cut off from the peony itself - this can be an excellent medium for the development of fungal diseases, and, of course, lead to death. Please note that for good protection against strong frosts, the height of the coating should be at least 10-15 cm.

Carrying out such necessary measures to care for the pion in the autumn is a pledge of beautiful flowering in the summer.