12 most amazing fruits and vegetables

Welcome to the world of "alien" fruits, which will overwhelm your imagination and, perhaps, you will become a fan of one of them.

Today, few people will be surprised by royal bananas, Moroccan oranges or Brussels sprouts. The man is arranged in such a way that he must constantly be surprised, so more often on the shelves you can find exotic fruits and vegetables, which are often not exported and sold in limited quantities. The taste of such "delicacies" is unique. Welcome to the world of "alien" fruits, which will overwhelm your imagination and, perhaps, you will become a fan of one of them.

1. Durian

In Southeast Asia, there are more than 30 varieties of this fruit, but only about a third of them are considered edible. Durian is the most controversial fruit on our planet. On the one hand, it has a disgusting and vile scent, so in many countries it is forbidden to sell it in the markets or bring it to public places. On the other hand, many who dared to taste it, swear that it tasted better and tasted better in their lives. In any case, the choice is yours. But be extremely careful if you decide to try durian taste.

2. Pitaya

An unusual fruit of Pitaya is the fruit of a cactus, and even in its shape and outer shell reminds it of a spiny root crop. In many countries, Pitaya is also known as a dragon fruit, a pearl of a dragon, or a strawberry pear. This fruit has a pleasant sweet taste. But before you try it, you will have to try to get rid of a huge number of black seeds in the pulp of Pitaya.

3. Yangmei

An interesting fruit of Yangmei grows in Southeast Asia, but most often it can be found in China. Yangmei is the fruit of small trees, which are commonly called Chinese strawberry trees. In shape, fruits are like round pimply balls, which from afar can be taken for strawberry berries. The taste of this fruit is specific: simultaneously sweet and caustic, therefore among the Chinese population yangmei is not popular. It is used for decorating parks and gardens.

4. Lagenaria

Vegetables, which take root almost everywhere and can be grown even at home. There are several varieties of this vegetable: spherical, cylindrical, elongated, etc. One of the most amazing varieties is lagenaria, a bottle form, or a bottle pumpkin. From the shell of such lagenarii make beautiful bottles for household needs or for decor, as well as smoking pipes. To taste, lagenaria resembles a zucchini or a slightly sweet pumpkin.

5. Monster delicacy

Monstera - the fruit of the homonymous plant house, which mainly grows in Mexico and Panama. In a natural habitat the monster plant blooms and forms fruit. A common opinion about the taste of this fruit does not exist. On the one hand, those who could try it, say that the taste resembles pineapple. On the other hand, it is compared with the effect of acupuncture. So, if in your life you have the opportunity to try the monster, remember the possible consequences.

6. Black radish

A rare variety of radish, which is unique in its properties and taste. Black radish has been known since the days of Ancient Egypt, but the Romans brought this vegetable to Europe. Nowadays, an abundance of dishes from this vegetable can be found in France. It tastes like a familiar, slightly sweetish radish with a creamy taste.

7. Carambola

The homeland of this fruit is considered to be South-East Asia, where the carambola grows everywhere. Carambola is a "star fruit", which got its name because of the correct five-pointed star in the cut. To taste it happens, both sour and sweet. Sour varieties of carambola are most often used in salads, while the sweet variety resembles a mixture of grapes, lemon and mango. Carambola is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, and also low in calories.

8. Kivanoe

Exotic fruit that grows in Africa, California, Chile, Australia and New Zealand. This exotic fruit is also called an African horned cucumber, an anti-cucumber, a horned melon, an anguria. In its form resembles a hybrid of melon and cucumber. The taste of kiwano is quite unusual. Most often it is used as a decorative element, although it is edible and has a rich supply of useful vitamins.

9. The Hand of the Buddha

The exotic citrus fruit "Hand of Buddha" in China is called "Fu Shou", in Japan - "Bushuykon", in Malaysia - "Liamau Yari", "Jerek Tangan", "Liamau Lingtang kerat", in Indonesia - "Dhiruk Tangan", in Thailand - "Som-mu" and in Vietnam "Fat-chte". Its name came from the fruit because of the similarity with the shape of the hand. Most often, fruit is used as an offering in Buddhist temples or as a talisman in homes. Some varieties of fruit can be eaten, but only as a whole or as a supplement to cocktails.

10. Coals

In another way, this fruit is called Jamaican tandzhilo and is considered a real pearl among the fruits of Jamaica. Its fruit is not attractive because of its ugly appearance, but it became a real delicacy because of its taste, which reminds something of the middle between grapefruit and mandarin. Coals are rich in useful vitamins and fiber.

11. Noni

A fruit that can boldly boast not only flavoring wealth, but also the number of names in different corners of the planet: the Great Moringa, Indian Mulberry, Useful tree, Cheese Fruit, Nona, Nono. This fruit grows on trees that belong to the family of coffee. According to the form of Noni it is similar to a potato with tubercles. The flavor of the fruit is quite specific and resembles moldy cheese. The taste of Noni is also difficult to call pleasant. In the world it is appreciated because of its beneficial properties, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

12. Dulce (Palmaria)

Dulce is an exotic species of algae that can often be found on the coasts of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. In appearance, these algae resemble a transparent red salad, which is most often used to flavor dishes. In dried form, dulce is replaced by chips. Algae are noteworthy in that they contain a huge amount of protein in a dry mass. To taste resemble sweet-salted fish.