Be cautious: 10 common foods that are capable of causing hallucinations

Do you think that hallucinations can only be caused by narcotic substances and alcoholic beverages? Not only - there are products that exert such an action on the body.

Many people know that food affects the condition and health of a person, but few people suspect that there are foods that can have a hallucinogenic effect on a person. This has been proved by carrying out numerous experiments. Immediately it is worth saying that you do not need to experiment, wanting to check the effect of the described products on yourself, because side effects can be unpredictable, because every organism is individual.

1. Coffee

Unique results of the experiments were obtained by British scientists in 2009. The researchers found that many people who use three cups of strong coffee a day experience hallucinations, for example, they hear strange sounds, there is a presence of something and so on. There are several versions explaining such an unexpected effect. Some scientists associate hallucinations with the fact that caffeine helps to increase the level of cortisol - a stress hormone. According to another version, people prone to light hallucinations, use coffee as a mechanism of adaptation.

2. Mushrooms

Many mushroom pickers do not know exactly which mushrooms are edible, and which ones are best avoided. Hallucinations can occur due to the use of some species of fly agarics and psilocybin fungi that contain substances acting on humans, such as LSD. Symptoms of malaise manifest in a short period of time, for example, drowsiness, dizziness, convulsions, delirium, distorted perception of the surrounding world and so on.

3. Redfin

An unexpected effect can be obtained from the consumption of fish, which itself produces toxin, or accumulates it in the body when eating algae. There is information that in ancient times the Romans ate Mediterranean sea carp, which made them turn off for a while, and in the Arab countries they are called "a fish that evokes dreams."

Especially strong hallucinogenic properties are manifested when using the head of crucian carp. There was a case when a 40-year-old man began to feel strange after two hours after eating baked redfish. At first, he showed symptoms of food poisoning, and the next day he encountered hallucinations, seeing around aggressive animals and arthropods.

4. Honey

Unexpectedly see the natural sweetness in such a list, but there is an explanation. There are a large number of varieties of honey, and unpleasant sensations can cause a product obtained from the flowers of rhododendron, in the pollen of which there are neurotoxic substances provoking hallucinations.

5. Cheese Stilton

British scientists conducted experiments and in 2005 concluded that with the use of 20 g of Stilton cheese a person can see in his dreams inexplicable visions. In the test, both men and women took part. Approximately 75% of the representatives of the male and 85% of the female indicated that they saw strange things before them. This is due to the fact that the cheese contains tryptophan, which has a relaxing effect.

6. Chili

Physicians recorded a case when acute food caused hallucinations. A British doctor Jan Rothwell ate a portion of the world's sharpest curry, which caused his mind to cloud. For some time he walked unconsciously through the streets. At the moment, there is no scientific evidence that chili causes hallucinations, but this effect can be explained by two facts: the burning of chili provokes a surge of endorphins, and it also belongs to the same botanical family as potatoes, tobacco and poisonous nightshade that causes hallucinations.

7. Baking with poppy seeds

Even in children's dining rooms, you can see products with poppy seeds. Seeds are obtained from opium poppy, which has a narcotic effect. This is due to the fact that they contain alkaloids of opium morphine and codeine. According to the theory, the use of a large amount of poppy can lead to narcotic effects, so that hallucinations may occur, you will have to sit down a very, very many rolls with poppy seeds.

8. Rye bread

The danger of this bakery product is related to the fact that the loaf can be infected with an ergot fungus, which contains several psychoactive substances, for example, ergotamine, used in the synthesis of LSD. A serious outbreak of poisoning with this substance occurred in the Middle Ages. Then people had severe convulsions, gangrene symptoms and even death. Now farmers to protect cereals are treated with a solution of potassium chloride.

9. Nutmeg

Spice is often used in cooking, but only in small quantities, as it has a vivid taste. This is good, as light hallucinations can cause 5-15 g of nutmeg. The effect occurs approximately 3-6 hours after ingestion. This is due to the presence in the composition of such an organic compound as myristicin.

People who managed to experience hallucinations because of the nutmeg intake, say that the sensations are similar to drug intoxication. All of them indicate such symptoms: the inability to concentrate on something, redness of the eyes, nausea, problems with urination and dry mouth.

10. Mulberry

Hallucinations can cause unripe berries, if you consume them in large quantities. In addition, they can cause attacks of severe vomiting, and green fruits have a laxative effect. In general, it is better not to take risks, and wait until the berries ripen.