Shungi with potatoes - recipe

Despite the exotic name, Shanji is a dish of Russian cuisine, widespread in the north of Russia. Unlike their closest "relatives", cheesecakes, shangs were always prepared for the shape of ice-cream with a spreading on top of the stuffing, and no special depressions were made for it. In addition, fillings for shastegs have never served sweet and liquid ingredients, so there is no such thing as a "literary culinary" for a literate culinary expert.

The most common recipe for this muffin is the potato option, so we will devote this article to how to make potato shangs. Starting from the read recipes, you can later prepare these "patties" using almost any stuffing.

Siberian potato shank


For the test:

For filling:


Before you prepare shanji with potatoes, you must put the potatoes themselves in salted water, not forgetting to wash and clean it beforehand.

At this time we prepare the dough. It is made fresh, that is, in the authentic recipe for its preparation, there is neither yeast nor baking powder, but due to its softness and satiety the dough is due to a large amount of muffin in its composition.

The preparation of the dough is not particularly difficult: dry ingredients are first thoroughly mixed, and then pre-prepared baking is added to them in the form of eggs, curdled milk and melted butter. Of the finished soft dough, round billets are rolled out, the edges of which, along the perimeter, are slightly pinched.

When the shawns are fixed - we proceed to the filling: potatoes are kneaded with cream in a thick puree, salted, add the egg yolk and spread the finished mass over the surface of shanji. Before you bake shanki with potatoes according to this recipe, each of them is smeared with sour cream, and then placed in a preheated to 180 degree oven for 15-20 minutes.

Finished shongs re-lubricate with butter and served to the table.

Potato shangs with bacon fat


For the test:

For filling:


Let's start with the test: soft butter mix with sour cream until smooth. Then we add vegetable oil and salt, pour the milk. We bring the dough to the required consistency by pouring the sifted flour (the ready dough should be uniform and soft, but do not stick to the hands). We send the dough "to rest" for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator, and in the meantime we will deal with the filling: potatoes we will clean and cut, we will put to cook in salted water; let's cut the fat into cubes and fry it to the squash (it is possible together with the onion).

When the potatoes are ready - we rub it with the addition of cream, egg yolk and butter. As soon as the consistency becomes homogeneous - the filling is ready, and you can pour cracklings on it.

The dough is taken from the refrigerator and divided into equal balls, each slightly rolled out and abundantly greased with a potato filling. Once the shangs with potatoes are ready, they can be baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Before serving, pies should stand, wrapped in a towel, for 10-15 minutes. Bon Appetit!