Frostbite of the fingers - treatment

Frostbite of fingers is often enough, because it is the hands that are more prone to injury when exposed to low temperatures. Consider how to recognize frostbite, and how to treat the affected fingers.

Symptoms of frostbite of fingers

In terms of severity, there are four types of frostbite, each of which is characterized by various manifestations:

1. The first, easiest degree of frostbite occurs after a short exposure to cold. Its symptoms are:

After warming the fingers, puffiness increases, the skin acquires a purple hue, burning and dull pain appear. After such damage for a long time, the increased susceptibility of the fingers to the action of low temperatures can be maintained.

2. With a longer stay in the cold, frostbite of the fingers of the second degree may occur. The affected fingers become pale, lose sensitivity, and after warming the skin becomes bluish-purple on them, there is a strong puffiness and pain. A characteristic sign of this degree of damage is the appearance on the fingers in the first days after frostbite bubbles filled with a clear liquid.

3. Frostbite of the third degree is also characterized by the appearance of blisters on the affected fingers, but their contents are not transparent, but bloody, dark brown. In these areas, the skin temporarily loses its pain sensitivity. Subsequently, rejection of dead tissue occurs with the formation of coarse scars. Affected and descended nails, as a rule, no longer grow.

4. The heaviest form of frostbite is characterized by complete necrosis of the soft tissues of the fingers, sometimes even joints and bone tissue are damaged. Affected areas acquire a bluish-marble hue, after warming become edematous, do not warm and remain not sensitive to any influences.

First aid with frostbite

When frostbitten fingers as an emergency, it is recommended to move as quickly as possible into a warm room, gently release your hands from raw clothes and take off the rings, drink a warm drink. What to do with freezing hands further, depends on the degree of damage:

  1. With a mild degree, you can lightly rub your fingers, warm them with your breath and wrap them with a woolen cloth; Also it is possible to make a warm bath for hands (in the beginning the water temperature should be no more than 30 ° C, then it can be increased gradually to 50 ° C).
  2. At frostbite of the second, third and fourth degree it is forbidden to rub fingers, it is recommended to wrap them with a sterile bandage and wrap it with a woolen cloth or any heat-insulating materials, after which it is urgent to see a doctor.

Can not be frost-bitten by fingers:

  1. Warm with intensive rubbing, rub with snow, oil or alcohol.
  2. Immediately put your fingers in hot water or warm over an open fire.
  3. Strongly move your fingers (preferably do not move).
  4. Drink alcohol for warming.
  5. Opens the emerging bubbles.

Treatment of frostbite of fingers

In the case of an easy degree of damage, there is no need for special treatment. For an early recovery with frostbite, it is recommended to use ointments with reparative properties (for example, Bepanten ). You can also use balsam Rescuer, Guardian.

At the second and third degrees of frostbite on an outpatient basis, blistering is performed, treatment of lesions with antiseptic drugs. Further bandages with antibacterial and regenerating agents are applied. For better healing, physiotherapy can be recommended. Frostbite of the fourth degree is an indication for surgical treatment.