Bacteria Helicobacter - symptoms and treatment

Helicobacter bacteria today are considered the most common harmful microorganisms after the herpes virus. More than half the world's population can be considered a carrier of bacteria. To know what the main symptoms of infection with the Helicobacter bacteria look like, that the treatment of the problem can begin on time. After the longer Helicobacter remains in the body, the more health problems it can cause.

Symptoms of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori

The most comfortable bacterium is in the gastrointestinal tract. This is one of the few microorganisms that can adapt to the aggressive acidic environment of the stomach and safely survive in it. Infection with bacteria is quite simple - just forget to wash your hands before eating or use contaminated food or water.

Helicobacter pylori is considered a family disease. All due to the fact that after infection of one of the members of the family, in almost a hundred percent of the cases the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the rest of the household. It will take the same treatment of the bacterium Helicobacter for such symptoms:

  1. Infected people often have problems with stools: some suffer from regular constipation, others suffer from persistent diarrhea.
  2. In some cases, the bacterium makes itself felt by heartburn, causeless vomiting and nausea. In this case, many patients complain of the severity and pain in the stomach.
  3. Problems with nails and hair, fungal diseases are also sometimes a manifestation of Helicobacter.
  4. Treatment of the Helicobacter bacteria may be necessary for those whose body refuses to absorb any meat products.
  5. Another symptom is an unpleasant odor from the mouth , which appears for no apparent reason.

In fact, like most other pathogens, Helicobacter bacteria can live in the body for many years, without manifesting themselves. They are activated only when the immune system weakens due to illness, antibiotics, lack of vitamins.

Treatment of bacteria Helicobacter pylori in the stomach

The reasons for starting the treatment of the bacteria as soon as possible are many. In addition, Helicobacter can harm the body, cure it in the late stages of development is very problematic. The treatment of Helicobacter pylori with antibiotics is considered to be really effective. But the main problem is that the microorganism can be resistant to most drugs. And to experiment with potent drugs, you know, is too dangerous. Therefore, treatment with antibiotic bacteria Helicobacter is indicated only in some cases, with such diagnoses:

The most popular drugs used to treat Helicobacter bacteria are:

In the absence of special indications, the treatment consists in taking special medicines that control the level of acidity stomach. All patients must always follow a diet that excludes too hot or cold, fried and heavy food.

Support the body can be treated with Helicobacter bacteria folk remedies:

  1. Acidity can be lowered by collecting from chamomile, celandine, yarrow and St. John's wort.
  2. Completely get rid of the bacteria was possible with the tincture of wormwood and pumpkin seeds.
  3. Effective and freshly squeezed cabbage juice.
  4. Infusion of flowers of apple, pear and cowberry leaves will help to remove unpleasant pain.