Tumor of the kidney - benign and malignant species

When the cell loses the ability to specialize and begins to share uncontrollably, new formations appear in the area of ​​its localization. In the kidneys they are rare, but are considered very dangerous. For the correct treatment of such formations, it is important to correctly and timely diagnose, determine the nature of the cellular cluster.

Renal Tumors - Classification

Almost 90% of detectable neoplasms in this organ are malignant. Benign kidney tumor types can be no less dangerous, because they are prone to rapid growth and expansion. This provokes squeezing and subsequent damage to blood vessels, nerve endings in the urinary system, causes internal bleeding and acute pain.

Another tumor of the kidney is classified according to its origin - parenchyma or pelvis. In the first case, the following malignant formations are known:

Benign parenchymatous neoplasms:

Malignant tumors growing from the pelvis:

Tumor of the kidney - symptoms, signs

At the beginning of the growth of the neoplasm, clinical manifestations are absent or so insignificant that they remain without due attention. They are observed when the kidney tumor progresses and grows in size - the symptoms can be nonspecific and resemble other diseases. With the appearance of the slightest discomfort in the lumbar region, it is important to immediately consult a nephrologist for diagnosis.

Benign kidney tumor

The described group of neoplasms is rarely accompanied by any signs, mainly they are detected accidentally during ultrasound. A pronounced clinical picture can be present if a large benign kidney tumor has grown - symptoms:

Sometimes the kidney tumor reaches such a size that it is visible visually. It looks like a bump protruding above the surface of the skin. The color of the epidermis over benign formation does not change. Such neoplasms are easily and painlessly palpated with the fingers, especially if you slightly bend towards the affected organ or bend at the waist.

Malignant neoplasm of kidney

All these signs of benign formations can testify to the development of cancer. Additionally, the following clinical manifestations may be present:

Without professional diagnosis, it is impossible to determine which kidney tumor develops-the symptoms and treatment of the pathology in question directly depend on the nature of the tumor. The study and therapy of any formulations of the urinary system are handled by two doctors, a urologist and a nephrologist. When detecting malignant accumulations of unspecialized cells, one should consult an oncourologist.

Tumor of the kidney - diagnosis

Ultrasound and computed tomography are the main and most informative studies for suspected neoplasm. They help to detect even a small kidney tumor in the early stages of growth. Sometimes nephroscintigraphy is also performed - a graphic display of the organ by means of a gamma camera with preliminary introduction of a radioactive preparation.

Diagnosis of kidney cancer may include the following studies:

Malignant formations metastasize and cause systemic disorders, therefore the list of diagnostic measures includes:

Tumor in the kidney - what to do?

The tactics of treating patients with this problem depends on the nature of the neoplasms. A benign tumor of small size that does not cause any symptoms, is not prone to growth and degeneration, is subject only to observation and regular ultrasound examination. Large formations that interfere with the normal functioning of the urinary system or are capable of changing their quality will have to be surgically removed.

The situation is complicated if a malignant tumor of the kidney is diagnosed - the treatment in this case is selected individually for each person taking into account:

Classical chemotherapy and radiation exposure are ineffective against kidney cancer. They are used only for inoperable tumors as measures that support the quality of life of an incurable patient. In addition, a medicamentous complex is prescribed - immunomodulators (alpha-interferon, interleukin-2 with 5-fluorouracil) and hormonal treatment (oxyprogesterone).

Surgery to remove the kidney with a tumor

Surgical intervention may involve excision of the pathological formation itself with small areas of nearby tissue or removal of the entire organ. The only criterion for choosing which operation will be performed on the kidney is a tumor with its characteristics. Radical nephrectomy (complete removal of the organ with adjacent structures) is carried out if the neoplasm has one of the following properties:

The final decision on the appointment of the type of operation is made by the oncourologist. Bilateral nephrectomy leads to a person's disability, but in some situations open surgical intervention is the only way to prolong the patient's life and prevent extensive and irreversible damage to the target organs of the cancer - the brain, spine and lungs.

Laparoscopy of a kidney tumor

Gentle surgery is performed by special microscopic equipment through small punctures in the abdominal wall. It is recommended for a benign kidney tumor of small size, if the pathological accumulation of cells is not prone to degeneration into cancer and growth. This type of surgical manipulation ensures the preservation of the organ and a quick return of the patient to normal life. During the operation, the tumor of the kidney and a thin layer of surrounding tissues are removed. This helps prevent the re-formation of benign cellular structures.

Rehabilitation after removal of the kidney with a cancerous tumor

Because of unilateral nephrectomy, the second paired organ takes on the entire burden of the urinary system. The main task of a person who has undergone the above procedure is to preserve the functions of a healthy kidney. Recommended:

Diet after removal of the kidney with the tumor should include digestible food with a low protein content. The basis of the diet are:

All dishes are steamed, boiled, stewed or baked. It is important to completely exclude:

Tumor on the kidney - forecast

The effectiveness of treatment is assessed within the five-year survival period. If a neoplasm is detected in the early stages, it is 70-80%. If renal veins were involved in the process, the indicator decreases to 40-60%. When regional lymph nodes are affected, 5-20%. In the later stages of cancer development, the predictions are worse, 95% of patients die within 5 years after nephrectomy. For a correct assessment it is important to consult a doctor if a malignant kidney tumor is detected - how many live with such a diagnosis, the specialist will respond more accurately.