Capelin without oil in oven - recipe

The capelin itself is a fat enough fish, so you can cook it in the oven without adding extra oil, which will reduce the calorie content of the dish and make it more dietary. In addition, such fish is very useful and perfect for those who care about a healthy diet.

Capelin baked in an oven without oil - recipe



If capelin is frozen, let it thaw, and then rinse thoroughly and dry it. Wheat flour mixed with a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper, bread in the resulting mixture of fish and put them on a baking sheet, pre-laying it with a parchment leaf.

The oven is heated to a temperature of 195 degrees, place the pan on an average level and bake the fish for twenty minutes.

On readiness we shift the fish to a plate and serve with boiled or baked potatoes, greens and vegetables. You can separately make a sauce for this fish, mixing sour cream with chopped herbs of dill and green onions and adding salt and pepper to taste.

How tasty to cook capelin in an oven without oil - a recipe with onions and mayonnaise



To prepare the baked capelin by this recipe, the fish is thawed, washed and let dry.

In the meantime, we clean and cut the semicircles or rings with onion bulbs and lay the onion mass on the parchment laid with a parchment, forming a kind of onion pillow. On it we lay out the prepared fish and we grease with a mixture of mayonnaise, salt and ground black pepper. We put a pan with fish in a preheated to 195 degrees oven and bake for twenty-five to thirty minutes.

Before serving, you can season the dish with green onion feathers and fresh herbs.

Capelin without oil in oven - recipe with garlic



Tasty and spicyly baked in the oven capelin is obtained if you season it with dried ground garlic. To implement this idea, wash the fish thoroughly under running cold water, beforehand if necessary unfreezing it. We give the fish to drain and dry, we spread it on a baking tray covered with parchment cut or in a baking dish with one layer, rub it with ground garlic, add a little salt and put it in a heated oven. Such a fish is prepared twenty-twenty-five minutes at a temperature regime of 185-195 degrees.

How to cook capelin in an oven with a potato - recipe



For cooking capelin in the oven with potatoes, the fish are washed, gutted, rid of the head and tail and washed well. Now lay it for a while in a bowl, season with salt and spices for fish and mix, evenly distributing spices and salt.

We also peel potato tubers and a bulb and cut vegetables with mugs and rings, respectively. Potatoes season with spices for potatoes or just a mixture of dried Italian herbs and salt, mix and put into a baking dish, adding quite a bit of broth or water so that it reaches the middle of the level of the potato layer. We spread the fish from the top, cover it with onion rings, cover the container with a lid, or tighten it with foil and set for one hour in the oven heated to 220 degrees.