Contusion of the brain

The spinal cord and the brain are the two most important organs responsible for the activity of all body systems. Even minor damage to them can have very serious consequences. The head and spinal cord are protected better than other organs, and yet one can not speak about their complete safety. It is the bruise of the brain that accounts for a quarter of all craniocerebral injuries. Basically, the problem immediately manifests itself. And, of course, it is not subject to independent treatment.

Symptoms of a brain injury

A brain contusion is a serious trauma, in which normal brain activity is disrupted. Because of the injury, the structure of the brain is damaged, there are hematomas and necrosis, which can cause swelling.

Very often bruises of the brain are paired. With a strong push, the brain can hit the skull. As a consequence: one injury is the result of a strike, and the other is due to a counterattack. Such an injury, respectively, and complications is twice as great.

Causes of a brain injury can be very diverse. To earn a trauma it is possible in an accident or a fight, bruises are obtained by negligence and can become the consequences of alcoholic intoxication. All injuries are manifested equally regardless of origin:

Depending on the complexity of the brain contusion, the symptoms may appear stronger or weaker. There are three main degrees of complexity of the injury:

  1. With a mild contusion, the victim loses consciousness for a few minutes, and after that he can not remember how he got injured. There may be attacks of vomiting, dizziness and severe headaches. Some patients are under pressure. Light bruises are very often found in children - they have a blow in the fall is mainly on the head.
  2. A bruised brain of moderate severity may be accompanied by a loss of consciousness lasting up to seven hours. After returning to himself, the victim does not remember what happened to him. Because of a trauma of the person excruciate strong headaches, a tachycardia, the raised pressure and temperature. In some cases, even mental disorders are possible.
  3. The most serious brain contusion is severe. Diagnose it less often than others. After injury, the patient falls into a prolonged coma. For a while, the brain can completely turn off. The patient has hypertension, fever, tachycardia . Symptoms of severe contusion are also discoordination, epileptic seizures, paralysis.

It is impossible to independently treat the brain contusion. The problem should be diagnosed and evaluated by a specialist. Different forms of trauma are treated differently. In mild cases, you can get by the drug course, while with complex injuries certainly surgical intervention.

Spinal cord injury

Dangerous and close in frequency of cases of trauma is a bruise of the spinal cord. If a stroke falls on the head, sometimes this important neurological organ suffers. The most dangerous is a bruise of the cervical spinal cord. Damage to the cervical vertebrae is fraught with very serious problems: stopping breathing, complete or partial paralysis. The prognosis of such bruises is disappointing - unfortunately, in 30% of cases a lethal outcome is fixed.