Tendonitis - treatment

Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon tissues, most often appears in the area of ​​attachment of the tendon to the bone. The disease manifests itself in the form of mild pain, after overwork. Painful sensations are quite persistent and often lasting.

Tendonitis of the elbow joint

Tendonitis of the elbow joint is most common among others. In this case, it happens that the doctor prescribes the wrong treatment, which can lead to serious complications, and subsequently surgical intervention. Therefore, in the treatment, it is worth to be attentive to your feelings, as increasing pain can tell about the opposite effect of treatment.

Tendonitis of the elbow joint develops as a result of microtraumas, the cause of which are regular significant loads on the hands. Due to permanent damage to tissues, it does not have time to recover, therefore, tendonitis joints develop.

Treatment of tendonitis of the elbow joint is performed with the help of ointments or injections in the elbow, which can be unpleasant, but very effective. At the first stages of the disease, tendonitis can be treated with folk remedies: lotions, rubbing ointments and other things.

Tendonitis of the knee joint

Tendonitis of the knee joint is more difficult than that of the elbow, as during the day there are more loads on the legs than on the hands, so the pain may be stronger.

The causes of tendonitis of the knee joint may be several:

The disease should not be tolerated or wait for a suitable case to visit the doctor, as the pain will be intensified daily. In this case, treatment of tendonitis of the knee joint will be more difficult.

Tendonitis of the wrist

Tendonitis of the wrist is most common in people with heavy occupations: builders, miners; workers of machine-building and metallurgical industry. The constant tension of the hands leads to microtrauma, which is the main cause of the disease.

Tendonitis of the wrist has non-standard symptoms:

  1. When the hand is bent into a fist, the fingers of the hand may fall down spontaneously, as when flexing the palm.
  2. When the hand is bent into a fist, the healthy hand does not move more slowly than the healthy one.
  3. If you reduce your thumb with your little finger or index finger, you will feel a sharp pain.

Treatment of tendonitis of the wrist is carried out with the help of ointments and gels, if necessary the doctor can advise fixing the hand with an elastic bandage.

Achilles tendon tendonitis

Achilles tendon is designed to attach the calf muscle to the calcaneus. When walking and getting up on the toes, it is this tendon that allows the foot to flex.

Tendonitis Achilles tendon is often found in athletes in those disciplines, where large loads fall on their feet. First of all, this refers to acrobats, runners and basketball players.

Unlike other types of tendonitis, the treatment of the Achilles tendon passes through gypsum.