Mastopathy of the breast

Such a breast disease as mastopathy is often found in women of reproductive age and is characterized by benign growths of the breast tissue under the influence of hormonal imbalance .

Mastopathy of the breast - symptoms

The main signs of breast mastopathy are:

Discharge from the chest with mastopathy are rare, it is possible to release milk or colostrum in small amounts. But mastopathy and breast cancer are often similar in symptomatology in the early stages, but the appearance of secretions, especially serous or bloody, allows one to suspect a malignant process. For differential diagnosis of mastopathy from cancer, mammography is performed in such cases.

Treatment of Breast Mastopathy

For the treatment of mastopathy in the initial stages use:

Not to do with mastopathy and without hormonal treatment:

  1. Since the cause of mastopathy is considered to be an excess of estrogens with a shortage of progesterone, then drugs containing hormones or affecting their level, for example progesterone analogues (Utrozhestan, Dyufaston) are used for treatment.
  2. With an excess of prolactin, its inhibitors are prescribed (Bromocriptine, Parlodel).
  3. If necessary, hormonal correction uses combined oral contraceptives (Marvelon) for women under 35 years, especially with the anovulatory cycle.
  4. Less often for the treatment of mastopathy prescribe antiestrogenic (Tamoxifen) or androgenic drugs (Methyltestosterone).