Transmission routes for syphilis

One of the most well-known sexually transmitted diseases is syphilis. This disease progresses slowly, but it can lead to serious consequences. Infection occurs after penetration into the human body of the causative agent of the disease - pale treponema. There are different ways of transferring syphilis.

Sexual way

With unprotected sex with an infected partner, the risk of infection is high enough. Pale treponema penetrates the body, both with the vaginal act, and with the oral or anal. In the latter case, the probability of transmission is greatest. In the rectum, microcracks are possible, which contribute to the penetration of the causative agent of the disease.

The possibility of infection is influenced by the following facts:

Congenital syphilis

When answering the question about the way syphilis is transmitted, it is necessary to remember about intrauterine infection of the child from the sick mother through the placenta. In this case, the baby can die in the womb or be born with different pathologies. Also, infection can occur during childbirth. To avoid this, doctors make sick women a cesarean section.

Blood transfusion pathway

You can get infected through the blood of a sick person with blood transfusion, but such cases are rare. After all, preliminary each donor is analyzed for a number of diseases.

Another way of getting treponema through the blood is to use the same syringe. This explains the fact that drug addicts are often infected with syphilis.

Occupational and household contamination

Cases of such infection are extremely rare. Medical workers can be infected when working with a sick patient. From this doctors and nurses protect measures such as gloves, sterilization of the entire instrument.

Also, infection can occur in everyday life. It is important to know whether syphilis is transmitted through saliva. Treponema lives in all the fluids that are produced in the human body. Because there is a possibility of infection with a kiss. It should also be noted how still transmitted to household syphilis. This is possible when using common utensils, hygiene items, smoking one cigarette.

But since the pathogen lives in the open air for a short time, there is practically no household way.