Salt in the kidneys

Salts in the kidneys are present absolutely in any person, and this is a perfectly normal situation. Meanwhile, the concentration of mineral compounds should not exceed certain values, otherwise an unpleasant illness occurs.

The reasons for the increase in the concentration of salt in the kidneys

The most frequent reason for the increase in the concentration of mineral compounds in the kidneys and, as a result, the increase in the acidity of urine, is the consumption of dishes with a lot of table salt or excessive amounts of mineral water that enters the body.

Also, some disorders of metabolic processes and diseases of the urinary system can lead to an increase in the salt level. In women, hormonal failures, pregnancy and menopause may be triggers.

In addition, too much salt in the kidneys is often found in infants, which is due to the peculiarities of nutrition inherent in the period of newborns, and the unfinished formation of the urinary system.

Symptoms and treatment of kidney salts

For a long time, the increased concentration of salts in the kidneys is not manifested. If the situation remains unchanged for several years, the patient may begin to feel the heaviness in the lower abdomen, as well as pain and discomfort during urination. In severe cases, this ailment causes the development of chronic cystitis or urethritis, which causes patients a lot of inconvenience.

However, usually this violation is detected during routine clinical examination or preventive examination. If, according to the results of the tests, it is established that the concentration of mineral compounds in the urine exceeds the permissible level, treatment should be started immediately in order to prevent the formation of stones.

First of all, salt salts in the kidneys are prescribed a salt-free diet. During its compliance, it is necessary to exclude offal, sausages, sausages, pickles and smoked products, salted cheeses, nuts, cottage cheese and bananas from the ration, and at least 2 liters of pure still water every day.

In the event that the introduction of changes in nutrition did not bring the desired results in 2-3 weeks, the patient is prescribed medication. To remove salt from the kidneys, you can use such tools as:

Any medication with increased concentration of salts in the kidneys can be used only under the supervision of the attending physician. In some cases, the process of excretion of mineral compounds from the urinary system can be quite painful, so treatment should be corrected if necessary.