Analysis for enterobiasis

"Well, I told you, do not put your hands in your mouth," the young mother of her three-year-old son used to bawl, "did not listen, now you'll have to go to the worm tests and be treated." It's a familiar picture, is not it? Who among us in my childhood did not get such a naplobuchku from moms and grandmothers, who did not have to go to take tests for any biaka in the stomach? And how many adults in their carelessness, deciding to try an exotic dish, fell into the same situation. In a word, at least once the analysis on enterobiosis had to be given to everyone. And yet let's talk on this topic in more detail.

When do I have to take an analysis for enterobiosis?

There are 4 main reasons why an analysis on enterobiasis is simply necessary:

According to the rules of the Ministry of Health, this analysis should be done without exception, at least once a year, because according to the statistics of the same health authority, the presence of worms in one way or another affects 90% of the world's population.

How to take the analysis for enterobiasis?

Now let's figure out how to take the analysis for enterobiasis, what is needed for this, and how to prepare for it. To pass analyzes on enterobiosis and an egg-glist it is possible to hand over in two ways, in the form of delivery and the subsequent research of a feces, and in the form of a scraping from a circumanusial folds. Let's consider both variants.

How to take an analysis for enterobiasis with the help of the collection of feces?

If you suspect that you or your child have worms, then immediately go to the nearest clinic and ask that your feces be examined for this issue. You will be given a special plastic container, equipped with a measuring spoon and blank. In the form you need to indicate your full name, patronymic and surname, date and time of collection and the number assigned to you. A spoon you will fold the feces into a container.

Collect the feces immediately after a night's sleep, without washing and without taking other hygiene procedures, but before urinating, so that the urine does not get into the feces and does not lubricate the result of the analysis. In the container should be placed approximately 2-3 measuring spoons of feces, collecting them from different places of feces. Then the container is tightly closed and delivered to the laboratory. And the faster you deliver it there, the more accurate the result will be.

How to collect the analysis for enterobiasis with scraping?

There are 2 options, collect the material in a special container with a cotton swab, or on a sterile slide glass with adhesive tape. In both cases, the analysis is performed immediately after a night's sleep before the act of defecation occurs.

  1. We put on gloves, open the container, take out the cotton swab and, spreading the buttocks, wipe the tip of cotton with the skin fold around the anus. Then put the stick carefully in place and tightly close the container.
  2. We also put on gloves, take out the glass from the bag, peel off the film and glue it for 2-3 seconds to the skin around the anus. Next, remove the film and return it to the place where it was before peeling off the slide. Attention, sticky area is not touch. Glass with the film reinstalled into place is put in a bag and we return it to the laboratory.

If the suspicion turned out to be false, then no helminth eggs will be found in the analysis.

The duration of the analysis for enterobiasis

And, finally, you should know how long the analysis for enterobiosis is valid. After all, it may happen that this study is ready, but you did not have time to take it, or you need to do some more tests. So, the duration of the analysis for enterobiasis is 10 days.

Now you know how to take the analysis for enterobiasis, as well as when and to whom it should be done. Take care of yourself and be well.