Prevention of syphilis

Unfortunately, such a disease as syphilis and to this day is a big problem, like several centuries ago. But only now people are more informed about this disease and everyone who cares about their health should know what are the measures to prevent syphilis in order to protect themselves from it.

How do they get syphilis?

The main way of transferring this insidious disease is sexual. Entering into sexual contact with a sick person without the use of a condom, the probability of contracting syphilis is about 50%. It does not matter which stage of the disease the partner has, even if it is latent ( latent ), it is contagious. No less dangerous than the traditional sexual intercourse oral and anal methods.

In second place, morbidity is caused by injecting drug users who use a common needle, because the causative agent of the disease is the pale spirochete, is present in all body fluids (sperm, vaginal mucus, saliva, blood).

Also, there are cases of infection of health workers during operations, manipulation of blood and taking birth in a patient with syphilis. A baby can get infected from an infected mother, passing through birth canals, or be born already infected in utero with multiple abnormalities.

Infected parents are concerned about the question - can their child become infected with syphilis in a domestic way? Such cases are, although rare, because the spirochaeta does not live long outside its habitual environment and is killed in the air.

To prevent the transmission of syphilis in the home, it is necessary to observe elementary rules of hygiene - clean dishes for each member of the family, personal underwear, a towel, a toothbrush and the exclusion of kisses.

Measures to prevent syphilis

The simplest prevention of infection is the absence of accidental connections and a reliable partner. If this option is unrealistic, then sex with a condom should be the rule. In case of unprotected contact, preventive treatment with penicillin is necessary.

A pregnant woman, to prevent infection of the child, conduct a cesarean section with subsequent treatment and do not allow breastfeeding.