1 week of pregnancy - sensations

It is difficult to describe the sensation of a woman in the first week of pregnancy. After all, despite the fact that this is one of the most important stages in the birth and development of a new life, for many it passes unnoticed.

At once we will make a reservation that in this article we will talk about the most probable symptoms and sensations at the first week of pregnancy from the moment of conception, ie, to be more precise, at the 3rd obstetrician, when the fertilized egg only starts its way from the ovary to the uterus and fixed on its wall.

Feelings of a woman in the first week of pregnancy

The first messengers of future motherhood can be long-awaited or taken by surprise, however, it is not worth neglecting their informativeness. After all, despite the medical doctors' assertions that the very beginning of pregnancy is not accompanied by the characteristic sensations and signs, many already held mummies will not agree with this. And they will be absolutely right. As each organism reacts differently to similar changes, and the symptoms that appear in time can dramatically change the course of pregnancy. In particular, they can serve as a signal for abandoning bad habits and forbidden medicines, enriching the diet with useful products and adjusting the way of life.

Of course, the first sensations in pregnancy are ambiguous, they are weakly expressed and, as it were, "hint" that this cycle has become fatal. For example, many women claim that for some hitherto untested sensations, they learned about pregnancy on the first day after conception. However, in most cases, future moms note:

In addition, an interesting situation may indicate: a sudden cold, a violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the appearance of a faithful companion of pregnancy - thrush. As a rule, the symptoms and sensations, which testify to the pregnancy that has come, are aggravated already on the first day of the delay.