Furacilin in pregnancy

Unfortunately, future mothers also get sick, and even more often due to weakened immunity and a lack of vitamins. In this case, treatment of pregnant women causes certain difficulties, since the list of drugs is significantly limited. Furacilin in pregnancy is one of the few drugs that appeared on the list of permitted medications.

About the preparation

Furacilin is an antimicrobial drug that prevents bacteria from multiplying. It should be noted that the drug does not affect the viruses, that is, it does not have a sterilizing effect.

Furacilin does not kill germs instantly, therefore, as a rule, the course of admission is at least 5 days. After 5-6 days of taking Furacilin, microbes in the human body die. The drug can be used both internally and externally. As a rule, a solution of Furacilin for rinsing is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes.

Internally, furacilin is taken for poisoning and dysentery. In pregnancy, taking any medication is strictly limited, and even Furacilum is prescribed in cases of extreme necessity, having weighed the effect of the medication with possible consequences.

Furacilin during pregnancy - rinse

Furacilin during pregnancy with external use is absolutely safe drug. The drug solution is effective in the treatment of angina , sinusitis, otitis and other purulent-inflammatory processes. Gargling with Thuracilin during pregnancy for 5 to 6 days can remove symptoms of the disease, inflammation and prevent the development of the disease.

Furacilin in the treatment of thrush

As treatment for thrush during pregnancy, a wash solution of furacilin is prescribed. It is worth noting that this method is not directly treatment of candidiasis, but only helps to relieve the condition and for a while to remove the itch with thrush.

As a rule, this method is used in the first trimester of pregnancy , when the use of any medication is contraindicated.

It is worth noting that from syringing Furacilin during pregnancy is better to give up. The fact that douching can cause fetal infection "washed" from the vagina by bacteria. In addition, the probability of getting into the uterus is high, so the danger of such a procedure is much greater than the expected benefit. In order to relieve the inflammation and temporarily eliminate the itching, you can moisten the gauze swab in a solution of Furacilin and wipe the affected area with it.

Mode of application

Furacilin is available in the form of tablets and powder. If the doctor advised you to gargle Thuracilin's throat during pregnancy, you should prepare a solution. To do this, it is necessary to crush 5 tablets of the drug or take a similar amount of powder, dissolve in one liter of hot water and allow to cool to a comfortable temperature for you. The instructions do not specify how much to rinse with Furacilin during pregnancy, but experts recommend repeating the procedure at least 3 to 4 times a day. If necessary, the amount of rinses can be increased. Furacilin can also be used to treat wounds, burns or purulent abscesses.

To precisely answer the question whether Furacilin is possible during pregnancy, you can not even a qualified physician, since the effect of the drug on the mother and child is not investigated. That is why it is better to refuse from internal reception of a preparation. External application does not have any contraindications except hypersensitivity and allergies. In rare cases, inflammation of the skin occurs, which quickly passes after the termination of the use of furacilin.