What does death look like?

A person always thinks about what awaits him at the end of life. It is not only about the existence or non-existence of the afterlife, but also about the mystical being, which is a harbinger of the coming death-death.

Many poets, writers and artists thought about how death looks like. In various works of art this creature is represented in the form of an old woman with a scythe. But, if you understand the mythology, then the death initially had a completely different appearance.

What does death look like without a mask?

According to one of the legends this creature was not at all a terrible and ugly old woman. This mask was worn by death only when she wanted a person to suffer the last moments of life, experiencing fear and horror. Initially, it was a beautiful sad girl with pale skin and bright eyes. She came to the people to alleviate their suffering, saving them from sickness and sorrows. Only after this girl became disillusioned with humanity, she began to punish people for unjust life.

Therefore, how the angel of death can look can be argued endlessly. To one person this creature comes in the form of the most beautiful that he could only see, and to another in an unattractive and repulsive way. Everything will depend on the relationship of death to a particular person. It is believed that expression "An easy or hard death" appeared precisely because of this.

What does the sign of death look like?

Also, people will always be interested in whether it is possible to guess the time of one's own death, being guided by various signs and clues. It is believed that there are several signs on which it is possible to determine the approaching misfortune. Most often they are associated with palmistry and the arrangement of lines on the hands. A specialist in reading the patterns of the palms can tell not only the average life expectancy of a particular person, but also the cause of his death.

The official sign and manner are also considered as death with a scythe, which looks like a skeleton in a long shroud, and a skull with crossed bones. These images can be found most often in literary texts, in theological books, and in the subjects of paintings. This is the most common form of this mystical guest. However, sometimes there are other images. For example, a certain nebula, the contours of which resemble a man dressed in a long cloak with a hood, or a black crow with an open beak.