Fennel - useful properties

Fennel is a plant that has found application in cooking and medicine. Its seeds are used as a seasoning, greens are added to salads, and a delicious garnish is obtained from fennel bulbs. In this case, the plant has a wide range of medicinal properties.

What is useful for fennel?

The plant renders:

Grass fennel, as well as fruits are used in the treatment of spastic colitis and flatulence. The plant stimulates the production of bile, increases appetite .

Decoction of seeds treated with pustular diseases and conjunctivitis, as this tool has the most powerful disinfectant properties.

Invaluable benefit of fennel in the treatment of respiratory diseases - the plant reduces fever and sore throat, reduces coughing attacks, removes mucus from the bronchi, eliminates the common cold. Fennel is also treated with neurasthenia. The plant improves muscle tone and accelerates metabolism, so it is a faithful assistant in losing weight .

Fennel for women

The therapeutic properties of fennel have found application in gynecology. The plant stimulates the production of estrogens in the female body, facilitates the course of premenstrual and climacteric syndrome, helps with the delay of menstruation. In addition, fennel is used to stimulate lactation.

Fennel oil

Essential oil of the plant is an effective tool in the fight against fungi - when used in the aroma lamp for a room area of ​​5 square meters. m needs 2 drops of product.

The smell of fennel has a beneficial effect on the psychoemotional state - in aromatherapy it is used as a means to gain a sense of inner freedom, stability, serenity.

Fennel oil has found application in cosmetology: it is added to creams, masks, tonics. The antioxidant effect of the plant helps slow the aging process. Also, oil is used for massage, inhalation, applications on the gums. Take it inside, adding to drinks and meals.

Treatment of fennel

  1. In chronic pancreatitis , cholelithiasis will help infusion of fennel (3 spoons), filled with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, the product can be filtered. Drink the infusion of 100 g 5 times a day. The same treatment is effective in the preoperative period with urolithiasis.
  2. Gastrointestinal spasms are treated with the following infusion: 1 teaspoon of fennel fruit is poured with boiling water (200 ml), insisted for 15 minutes, passed through a strainer. The drug is drunk before meals 150 g three times a day.
  3. Respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract are treated with fennel infusion (3 tablespoons of fruit per glass of boiling water), which is drunk 3 spoons 5 times a day. The same tool is useful to gargle with pharyngitis, infections of the mouth.
  4. With increased nervous excitability, a collection of fennel and caraway seeds, valerian roots, motherwort leaves is useful. Equal parts of the components are combined, pour the collection (2 tablespoons) 400 ml of boiling water. The present medicine is drunk at night.
  5. To stimulate lactation it is useful to brew a collection of fennel fruits, anise seeds, and oregano grass. Take 1 teaspoon of each raw material, the collection is poured 300 ml of boiling water. After two hours, the infusion is filtered, taken to 100 ml three times a day. It is useful to brew fennel seeds in pure form (for 300 ml boiling water a spoonful of raw materials). Such tea is drunk 3 days followed by a break.

Contraindications for use

Despite its useful properties, fennel also has contraindications. You can not use the plant in any form with: