Drawing with sand on the glass

Drawing with sand on the glass, or sand animation, is a very young, you might say, young art form. He appeared in the 70s of the 20 th century in the West, and he moved to us quite recently. But thanks to his identity and spectacle, he immediately won many hearts. For drawing sand on the glass you need not so much: sand and a special table with lights. A feature of the technique of drawing sand on the glass in its interactivity - in front of the admiring public the pictures "sprout" one from the other, creating a bizarre series. The art of this requires the artist great skill, because the creation of the picture occurs in front of the audience and leaves no room for error. It is very important not only to be able to draw, but also to feel the sand, so as not to spoil the picture with careless movement.

Drawing sand for children

Like any other game with sand, drawing on glass is very attractive to children. The sand is pleasant to the touch, it is easy to handle. In addition to the development of creative abilities and spatial thinking, sand animation has a positive effect on the health of the child, developing the motor skills of his fingers and relieving tension, relieving the child of stress and raising his spirits. Sand drawing is successfully used to correct behavior in hyperactive and very excitable children, leading them to inner harmony. To master drawing by sand can even absolutely kids, creating on one surface an infinite number of drawings. Children develop a sense of symmetry, because with sand you can simultaneously draw with your left and right hand.

In order to teach the child to paint sand on the glass, there is no need to conduct a special master class. It is enough to buy a table for drawing with sand, quartz sand and give children's imagination to prove themselves. If it is not possible to purchase the necessary equipment, it can be made independently, and as a material for drawing, you can use ordinary sand from the sandbox, before washing it with water and calcining it in the oven.

Master-class on making a table for drawing with sand

  1. For the production of the table we need a box of suitable size (approximately 700 * 1000 mm).
  2. We make in the box a rectangular hole, where the glass will be inserted. On the sides of the glass, you can make a compartment for sand and improvised materials. The sides of the box should look up so that the sand does not crumble.
  3. For the legs we take carefully polished bars.
  4. We fix the plexiglas in the table. It can be glued with tape, or sewed with wooden slats.
  5. For lighting, use any suitable table lamp, placing it under the table or on the side of it, so that the drawing table is illuminated from the inside.

Drawing with sand in kindergarten

Sand drawing is very often used in developing classes in the kindergarten. Even children with special needs can easily cope with sand drawing, because sand is a natural material for them, which they are not afraid of and are happy to carry with it. In addition to drawing on the glass, the kids master the technique of drawing with colored sand. To do this, a pattern is drawn on the sheet of paper and the area to be painted is first glazed with glue and then colored sand is sieved onto it. Drawing with colored sand is an occupation that requires certain skills and perseverance, but the result is worth it. The resulting pictures are bright and unusual. Sand for these purposes can also be prepared by washing and calcining it, and then painted with food colors.