Built-in steamer

A healthy lifestyle today in the trend - a modern woman simply must attend the gym, start the morning with jogging or yoga, and, of course, eat healthy and balanced. To ensure healthy food was not only useful, but also tasty in the household, a steamer is necessary - a desktop or built-in steamer. About built-in electric ovens-steamers, we'll talk today.

Why do I need a built in steamer?

What a steamer is, almost everyone can answer now - it's an electric appliance for cooking food for a couple, which looks like a "shelf" of several baskets, a pallet and a heating element. With all the indisputable advantages, the design turns out to be rather cumbersome, requiring the allocation of a separate place on the working surface. Embedded models of steamers externally differ little from the electric ovens that are familiar to everyone. The most advanced models, apart from an ergonomic design and a spacious working chamber, can boast of many technical gadgets, for example, an integrated cookbook, the ability to synchronize with various gadgets, etc. There are also models that combine in one case an oven, a steam cooker and a microwave oven. At the same time, you need to be ready, and you will have to invest heavily in the built-in steamer, so it only makes sense to buy it if the steamed dishes form the basis of the ration. Below we will consider in more detail the most popular models of built-in steamers of different manufacturers.

Built-in steamer "Bosch" HBC 24D553

The case of the steam cooker HBC 24D553 is made of stainless steel, which allows, firstly, without problems to fit it absolutely into any interior, and, secondly, makes it as easy as possible to care for it. The power of the device is 1.9 kW with a working chamber volume of 35 liters. The device has two main modes: defrosting and steaming. The simplest way to cook food is to have 20 automatic programs. Additional chips include child protection, a descaling program, a water level sensor in a pallet and a built-in clock.

Built-in steamer "Siemens" HB 26D555

Built-in steamer of the company "Siemens" pleases the eye with a neat and thoughtful design. As in the previous case, the case of the device is made of stainless steel. Its volume is slightly more than that of the creature of the company "Bosch" and is 38 liters. The set includes two trays (for cooking vegetables, fish, rice and condensate) and a grate for baking. The height of installation of the grate and trays can be chosen independently, using four guiding rails located on the side walls of the working chamber. The device has four main operating modes: defrosting, raising the dough, heating and steaming. Programs for cooking are no longer 20, but 40. For the convenience of users, all programs are divided into 9 groups. For those who like to experiment, there is a function called "Memory" that allows you to remember the temperature and cooking time settings chosen by the user.

Built-in steamer «Hansa» BOEI69311055

The steamer BOEI69311055 developed by Hansa engineers is the brightest representative of hybrid devices combining several functions in one enclosure. In this case it is a hybrid of an oven and a double boiler. Incidentally, the overall dimensions of this device are rather "oven" - the volume of the working chamber is 66 liters. The functionality of the oven-steamer is able to impress the most fastidious user: grill, convection, 16 programs for steaming and 37 programs for cooking in oven mode.