General analysis of blood in children

In the case of any, even the mildest disease, in children, first and foremost take a general blood test. In addition, this study is also carried out and healthy kids, at least twice a year. According to the results of clinical analysis, it is possible to suspect many diseases that occur absolutely asymptomatically.

The parameters of the general blood test in children, especially in the first year of life, are somewhat different from those of adults. That is why quite often parents, trying to decipher the received results, are in vain concerned. To prevent this from happening, moms and dads need to know what values ​​of the main indicators of this study should normally be in the baby, depending on his age.

How correctly to decipher the general or common analysis of a blood at the child?

First of all, to identify abnormalities in the general blood test, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the table, which shows the norm in children of a certain age for each indicator:

Having discovered minor deviations, do not be immediately scared. Each of the indicators is affected by a huge number of factors, and their changes in one direction or another only indicate that the child needs to be examined additionally. The interpretation of possible abnormalities in the general analysis of blood in children is as follows:

  1. The content of red blood cells, or erythrocytes, can be increased in case of dehydration, for example, with any intestinal infection. A similar deviation can also occur with certain disorders of the heart or kidneys. Reducing the number of red blood cells in most cases reveals iron deficiency anemia, however, sometimes it is provoked by leukemia or other serious diseases.
  2. The most famous indicator is hemoglobin, which changes in the same way as the number of red blood cells.
  3. A different from the normal content of leukocytes indicates the presence of inflammation of any kind.
  4. With any inflammation, the amount of neutrophils can also change. In addition, their increase may indicate metabolic disorders.
  5. The "leap" of eosinophils usually occurs with an allergic reaction.
  6. The increase in lymphocytes is most often observed in viral or bacterial infections, as well as poisoning. Reduction of this indicator should be noted especially - in most cases it indicates such serious diseases as tuberculosis, lupus, AIDS and others.
  7. Finally, an increase in ESR in children indicates any inflammatory process.

However, one should not go deep into the analysis of the results of the analysis, because the human body is very complicated, and it is only the specialist who can correctly tell you what is happening to the child.