Hardware shape correction

Today beauty salons vying to offer their services for weight loss and figure correction with the help of devices. This is a method for the lazy: you simply lie, and the masters work to create your elegant forms. Of course, the hardware correction of the figure is quite expensive - one procedure can cost you $ 50-200, and in fact you need a course of 8-12 such procedures. Consider the most popular of them.

Correction of the figure by ultrasound

Ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 1 to 3 MHz reach a depth of 4 cm, have a defibrozing effect on subcutaneous fat. This activates the microcirculation and speeds up metabolic processes in the tissues, which helps to accelerate the release of excess weight.

Non-surgical figure correction: electrolypolysis

This procedure activates lipolytic processes, causing permanent fat cells to split up into triglycerides and fatty acids that are easily digested by the body. This is not the most pleasant procedure - in the effective variant, the introduction of needle electrodes into adipose tissue is required. This procedure is much more effective if you combine it with lymphatic drainage massage.

Vacuum correction of the figure: lymph drainage

In some cases, lymph drainage is prescribed separately, for example, when there is a violation of microcirculation. It is an effective remedy against cellulite , which works particularly well in combination with other measures. In the European practice, lymphatic drainage in the amount of 5-10 procedures is prescribed for each person who decided on any type of figure correction in hardware.

Laser figure correction

Laser correction affects fat cells, splitting them, which makes it possible to convert fatty layers into energy. Salons promise weight loss of up to 4 cm in 1 session. Procedures are carried out using a special diode laser.

Whatever option you choose, remember: the results of the procedures will most likely be effective, but not long, unless you revise your diet and add even a little movement to your days.