Psoriatic Arthritis - Symptoms and Treatment That Really Helps

Psoriatic arthritis is a consequence of the presence in a person of psoriasis or an innate tendency to this disease. Having investigated this disease, scientists made many interesting conclusions about its cause and methods of treatment.

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

By psoriatic arthritis is understood a combination of two diseases: psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. According to medical statistics, psoriatic arthritis is present in 10% of patients suffering from psoriasis. Initially, patients can complain about the appearance of red scales on the skin. In this case, doctors diagnose psoriasis, arthritis begins to manifest itself after a while with back pain or limbs. In rare cases, the disease begins with joint problems, and the skin looks relatively healthy at the same time.

Studying psoriatic arthritis, symptoms and treatment, doctors came to the conclusion that this disease refers to psychosomatic, that is, directly related to the state of the nervous system. Women are more emotional representatives of humanity, so they suffer from this disease more often than men. The main cause of psoriatic joint damage is severe or prolonged stress, psychological trauma.

Psoriatic Arthritis - Symptoms

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are generally similar to the symptoms of arthritis usual. For the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis, doctors pay attention to such signs:

Psoriatic arthritis of the fingers

Doctors, studying psoriasis, arthritis, the symptoms of this disease, concluded that psoriatic arthritis of the fingers is the most common form of psoriatic arthritis. With this form of the disease, arthritic lesions affect only the fingers of the upper limbs. The disease can begin with psoriatic manifestations, which are added to the lesions of the fingers, and can begin with the symptoms of arthritis.

To learn psoriatic arthritis of fingers is possible by such signs:

Psoriatic arthritis of the legs

Psoriatic arthritis of the foot is often mistakenly diagnosed as a heel spur, plantar fasciitis, gout, arthritis. In addition, psoriatic arthritis can be similar to the manifestations of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, etc. Unlike some other named diseases, which arise due to a heavy load on the legs, psoriatic arthritis arises as a result of psoriasis.

Psoriatic arthrosis or arthritis of the foot manifests itself as severe pain in the joints and surrounding tissues. The skin around the affected joint turns red or browns. Due to disorders in the joint itself, subluxations may occur, causing additional pain and causing difficulty in movement. Inflamed joints lead to a change in the shape of the toes: they shorten and thicken.

Psoriatic arthritis - diagnosis

The diagnosis of "psoriatic arthritis" can be given to a patient who has at least three of these symptoms:

Psoriatic arthritis - tests

To determine psoriatic arthritis, external examination of the patient, laboratory diagnosis and collection of anamnesis is necessary. Diagnosis of arthritis is carried out with the help of such tests:

  1. X-ray of the affected area. The picture will show erosive changes in the joints.
  2. An expanded blood test. In the blood, anemia, increased ESR and fibrinogen, sialic acid, immunoglobulin A, G, and E. can be observed.
  3. Analysis of intraarticulate synovial fluid. The liquid taken for analysis in the presence of psoriatic arthritis will be loose, with an increased number of neutrophils.

Psoriatic arthritis - treatment

Before treating psoriatic arthritis, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination that helps him understand the degree of deformity of the joints. The deeper the defeat, the more difficult it is to remove its symptoms. The patient should know that this disease can not be cured. Doctors can help alleviate the condition and stop the deformation processes. The complex of treatment can include the use of medicines, diet food, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics, lifestyle changes.

Psoriatic arthritis - clinical recommendations

The list of recommendations on how to cure psoriatic arthritis includes recommendations for changing certain habits:

  1. Classes of physiotherapy. With this disease, fast walking and swimming is best.
  2. When there is pain in the joints, you should give yourself a rest. Joints can not be overloaded.
  3. Careful selection of shoes is necessary. It is impossible to allow joints to be further deformed by tight shoes.
  4. It is important to fully sleep. To do this, you need to walk before bed, wind the bedroom, do not eat tea and coffee for the night, do not watch the invigorating films and programs.
  5. Posture control is an important task for a patient with psoriatic arthritis. A straight back will avoid further deterioration of health.
  6. It is necessary to choose a comfortable pose for sleep. It is advisable to have an anatomical mattress and a pillow for sleeping.
  7. It is important to lead a calm, measured life , to try not to be nervous and to avoid stress.

Preparations for psoriatic arthritis

Prescribe drugs for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis should the doctor, as self-medication can lead to sad consequences. The complex treatment of this disease includes such pharmaceutical preparations:

  1. Immunosuppressive drugs. They are used to reduce the activity of the immune system. The most popular drug is methotrexate in psoriatic arthritis. The drug makes it possible to stop the deformation process. Treatment of psoriatic arthritis with methotrexate is considered basic. In addition, Sulfasalazine is used in psoriatic arthritis, Cyclosporine, Leflunomide, Azathioprine and their analogues.
  2. Preparations for blocking low molecular weight inflammatory proteins: Adalimumab, Infliximab, Etanercept.
  3. The group of new drugs for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis include Otela and Taltz (Isekizumab). The last one has a high cost, therefore it is inaccessible to most patients.
  4. The severe form of psoriatic arthritis is an indication for purifying the blood with the help of plasmapheresis.

Psoriatic arthritis - treatment with folk remedies

Folk treatment of psoriatic arthritis can be a good addition to drug treatment. Such popular recipes are popular:

  1. Treatment of spruce branches. To do this, prepare the infusion of spruce branches, cool it to a temperature of 38 degrees and soar them sore spots. After the procedure, these places must be wrapped and held for about an hour. The course consists of 5 procedures.
  2. Herbal teas. With this disease it is useful to drink the decoctions of such plants: St. John's wort, birch leaves, dandelion, juniper, blackberry.
  3. Turpentine compress. Take a couple drops of turpentine, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. grated carrot. Mix components and apply to the affected joint. Keep all night, repeat for 10 days.
  4. Ointment based on eucalyptus oil. It is necessary to refine the cones of hops, flowers of sweet clover and St. John's wort. Mix the collection with eucalyptus oil and petroleum jelly and apply to the swollen areas.

Diet for psoriatic arthritis

Proper nutrition with arthritis is an important part of the treatment. The best diet for patients with psoriatic arthritis is the diet of Pegano . The author of the diet suggests eating small portions, but often. The list of recommended products includes cereals, vegetables, fruits. In a limited number of recommended eating fish dishes. The following products are banned: