Paths in the Garden

Convenient, beautiful paths in the garden - this is not only an effective decoration of the site . These tracks also perform a communication function - they connect different parts of the garden. Therefore, so much attention is paid to their design.

Kinds of paths in the garden

All garden paths, depending on certain parameters, can be divided into several types:

It is about the latter parameter that is somewhat more detailed. The simplest option (but, alas, not the most practical, since it will require permanent care) is the design of grass, dirt and bulk tracks - sand, gravel or gravel. More convenient and aesthetic garden paths with a hard surface. For their paving, for example, fired brick of different colors can be used. As an option - the use for paving paths in the garden of multi-colored or monochrome paving slabs. Fans of the original solutions for the design of garden paths often use self-made cement castings. They are given unusual shapes (for example, leaves with carved edges), they use shards of broken dishes as mosaics and various stamps (even footprints and palms).

Very spectacular paths in the garden of wood, in particular from round logs of different sizes (with mandatory treatment with water repellent and antiseptic composition).

With special nobility, stone paths in the garden look. Pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, as a rule, from the stone make the front paths in the garden - leading to the central entrance to the house or to the recreation area. To do this, use a variety of types of stone - sea and river pebbles, cobblestone, chipped and tiled natural stone.

Each of the listed types of covering of garden paths has its advantages and disadvantages. But the rubber tracks for the garden (made of rubber plates) can be considered an ideal option. They are resistant to all external influences and are absolutely not traumatic.