Inflammation of the extremely flesh in boys

Since the birth of sexual hygiene representatives of the strong half of humanity requires special attention. Otherwise, everything can turn into problems, for example, inflammation of the prepuce. Another name for this disease is balanoposthitis.

Why does the child develop an inflammation of the flesh?

Most often balanoposthitis occurs because of the manipulation of adults. In particular, inflammation of the foreskin of the baby is common. The fact is, almost all male babies are born with phimosis - with a narrowed foramen of the foreskin. This phenomenon is considered physiological, because eventually the head of the penis will be exposed more and more. But some parents over-rush events and themselves open this fold of the skin, which is why it is traumatized.

Other causes of inflammation of the prepuce are improper care for the reproductive organs of the boy. In the inner surface of the foreskin, a special lubricant is produced - smegma. It accumulates, and if it is not removed, it inflames, which leads to balanopost. In addition, inflammation can occur due to overheating, allergic reactions, sweating.

The main symptoms of balanoposthitis include the appearance of redness in the head of the penis. She's a little swollen. The child, as a rule, complains of itching and painful sensations, intensifying with urination. There may be a purulent or white coating, rash. If you do not take any action, balapostitis over time will develop into cicatricial phimosis.

Inflammation of the foreskin: treatment

Getting rid of the inflammatory process is not difficult. Usually appointed therapeutic baths with antiseptic solutions (manganese, furatsilina) or herbal decoctions (chamomile, marigold, turns). An abundant drink for washing the canal is shown. It is important to observe the child's hygiene. You should wash the foreskin at least twice a day, but do it very carefully and carefully. It is also necessary to change diapers on time, that is, every 2.5-3 hours. The doctor may advise you to lubricate the head of the penis with antiseptic ointment (for example, levomycol) for the night.

If the inflammation of the foreskin is caused by an allergic reaction, the child is usually prescribed antihistamines. But along with this it is necessary to detect the irritant and get rid of it (inappropriate powder, diapers, crepe under the diaper).

If the improvement in the child's condition does not occur in a few days, antibiotics are most likely to be prescribed, since there may be an infection.

In chronic balanoposthitis, circumcision of the prepuce is indicated.