Red-tailed Jaco

Parrots are hot - some of the most popular domestic parrots. They are very fond of people due to their unique abilities to imitate the voice of a person. They are very easy to teach to transmit a variety of very diverse sounds.

Jaco is an African gray parrot, its feathers are ash-gray, lighter at the edges. Zest is hot - its tail, it is purple-red, has an even, as if cut form. The parrot reaches up to 35 cm in length, the length of the tail is 8 cm. The parrot beak is black, curved, legs are lead-gray, they have a yellow iris of the eye.

Features of care for red-tailed greens

For what to feed the parrot greedily, you need to follow, because this type of parrots is prone to obesity. In the diet of the parrot must be present grain. It is best to feed millet millet, wheat, barley, corn or oats. You can add to his diet still nuts and seeds, but in a very limited number. A special delicacy for the parrot is a variety of fruits - fruits and vegetables, which must necessarily be juicy and fresh.

As for drinking, you can give the parrot fruit juices, which should be diluted with purified or unstable water. It is necessary to change the drink daily.

It must be remembered that the parrot should be comfortable, so it should live in a spacious cage . Its approximate size is 180x80x120 cm. Besides, the cage should be strong, because it has a strong beak.

There is no consensus on how many people live in greed. On average, such parrots live 50-60 years. However, there is information about long-livers who lived to the age of 93 years. Jaco very much attached to the owner, they are able to be jealous of him and do not tolerate lack of attention.