Hurami honey

This fish, in comparison with other species of fish, is very unpretentious. It is even possible for a beginner to breed honey gurus. To look after them simply: these fishes love all kinds of forages (vegetable and live), they are peaceful and get along with many kinds of fishes. The only downside is to strictly monitor the water temperature, keeping it within twenty-four to twenty-eight degrees. The norm of acidity of water for them at the level of 7 pH. Recommended water hardness is 7-15 °.

Fish are transported by gurami from Asia and they are often infected with various diseases. Therefore, put them for the first time in quarantine (a separate aquarium).

Maintenance and care of fish honey gourami

Aquarium for fish gourami honey should be species. Feed these fish with vegetable and live food in combination with substitutes. Aeration and filtration is not desirable in the species aquarium. Water should be replaced constantly: once a week for a quarter of the aquarium. If you put aeration, then make sure that it does not create a strong current.

These fish are very shy and constantly hide in thickets, so the aquarium is best populated with several species of plants with long stems and leaves, you can add floating plants, ferns. Gurami do not like bright light, so the vegetation in the aquarium is mandatory for them.

Gurami need space. Calculate the volume of your aquarium from twenty liters to one pair of fish.

Cover the aquarium with a lid - these fish can jump out of it. Equip the thermoregulator and strictly monitor the temperature, as violations of the temperature regime often cause the death of fish.

The content of honey gourami

These fishes should be kept in groups, as in nature honey gouchers are schooling fish. Males of this type of fish compete with each other: it is desirable to settle in an aquarium the same number of females and males. As neighbors, choose peace-loving fish. The best compatibility with honey gourami with cherry barbs, thorns, guppies.

Fry flies are very sensitive to temperature changes and various diseases.

A couple of weeks before the proposed spawning, the males are removed from the females by gourami. Feed fish in the pre-spawning period with live food, except for live daphnia. Since, having got used to chasing the live small fodder, the fish will then start eating eggs and fry.

Capable of breeding giraffe fish at the age of one year. Care for fry is not an easy task. For a pair of fish you need to create a spawn for ten liters. Conditions for spawning should be: temperature - thirty degrees, water level - twelve to fifteen centimeters, acidity of water - 6.5 pH.

You can arrange and group spawning, but then the survival rate of the fry will be much less, although for the female group spawning it is the best conditions. To do this, take an aquarium with a volume of at least thirty liters. After spawning, you must resettle the female. After the appearance of the fry - immediately resettle the male. Properly care for fry: lower the water level to ten centimeters, regularly replace water.

When the fry still only appeared, they should be fed with infusoria, Kolovratka, later Artemia nauplii, nematode. You can also use industrial feeds, but then the fry will die in larger quantities. When the fry is not yet formed labyrinth organ they need a lot of pure water, saturated with oxygen. Remove the remainder of the food immediately so that the water does not turn sour and not filled with harmful substances. Fry will grow quite quickly, but not evenly, so constantly sort them by size. Since the smaller fry will not survive next to the large ones.