Healthy diet for weight loss

The basis of a healthy and balanced diet is the right combination of foods. If you decide to get rid of extra pounds, bring your weight back to normal, or just want to end bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle, first you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of healthy eating. In this article, we will consider in detail which products are suitable for healthy and rational nutrition, how to eat and in what combination to consume foods. A healthy diet can be useful not only for losing weight, but also improve the well-being, and the quality of life of a person as a whole.

A healthy diet: a diet or lifestyle?

Having studied the principles of healthy eating, you will learn how you can eat deliciously and remain healthy at the same time. Applying a healthy diet as a diet, you can lose weight, and if you lead a healthy lifestyle, you can not even think about extra pounds.

In order to choose the right and healthy way of eating, you need to change your habitual diet. Remember one basic rule: "Healthy eating is a healthy life!" You need to start by changing the methods of cooking. The preparation of healthy and healthy dishes does not mean that the dishes will be fresh and monotonous. Rather, on the contrary, you will appreciate the benefits of healthy eating, and feel the gratitude of your own organism.

The menu of healthy diet for weight loss must obey some requirements:

Meat is the main source of proteins of animal origin. Protein is the most scarce product on Earth. Proteins are necessary for our body, at least for the reason that they are the basis of every cell, every organ. Meat should be chosen the least fat. Pork can be replaced with beef, chicken and rabbit meat. Also useful is the fish of low-fat varieties. When choosing meat, please note that it does not have a fatty layer, it is advisable to use fillets. As for the method of preparation, it is better to boil the meat and bake it. Fried meat is not recommended.

Vegetables and fruits are sources of vitamins and microelements, supply the body with vital energy and improve metabolism. Vegetables and fruits should make up 40-45% of the basic diet of a healthy person. Eat vegetables and fruits better fresh. Also, vegetables can be cooked for a couple, make salads out of them, cook soups. From fruit you can make juice. Remember that prematurely appeared on the shelves of vegetables and fruits can contain harmful to the body nitrates. Do not rush to buy them, wait for the season when they will appear in abundance.

Cereals are a source of carbohydrates and vegetable proteins. Carbohydrates are needed by the body for proper metabolism. The most suitable cereals for a healthy diet are the following: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, and also beans. From cereals you can cook a variety of cereals, with the addition of meat, vegetables, fruits and greens.

Oils are the source of essential fatty acids for the body. Animal fats (butter) have a solid consistency and contain saturated fatty acids. Vegetable fats (vegetable oil, seeds, nuts) are usually liquid, they contain unsaturated fatty acids. In healthy food for both women, as for men, vegetable fats should predominate. Vegetable fats have a beneficial effect not only on metabolism, but also on sexual health. Use for cooking healthy dishes, olive oil, walnuts and pine nuts, hazelnuts.

Dairy products are a source of calcium and animal protein. Milk, kefir, cottage cheese of minimal fat content should be used in your diet. With the help of milk and cottage cheese, you can prepare various desserts, filling them with fruits and berries. Also on milk, you can cook porridge from the proposed cereals.

Make a healthy diet menu for a week and try this method on yourself. Divide the number of meals by 5-6 times, eat on the principle of "less, but more often." Replace black tea with green, without sugar. Sugar can be replaced with honey, and salt - with soy sauce. Coffee and alcohol are excluded from your diet. Results will be noticeable after the first five days!

For better effect from a healthy diet, use physical exercises. The combination of these two components and the rejection of bad habits will change your life for the better! Morning exercise and easy jogging will energize you and increase your body's tone for the whole day. Over time, you can think about practicing fitness or some kind of sport.

Sincerely we wish success!